Test results of illuminants on the market

...regarding optical light flicker.

CFD is the abbreviation for Compact Flicker Degree.


CFD is a measuring unit for optical light flicker in percent, which is calculated as the Pythagorean Sum of all frequency-dependent weighted frequency components related to the DC portion of a light signal.

The CFD method is the world's first sensible measuring method to measure light modulation.

On this page, the test results of about 1200 CFD measurements from a wide variety of manufacturers are listed. The table can be easily copied from this website, pasted into any spreadsheet program to be processed as needed.

The table does not contain any information about the color rendering index or other data which have no influence on light flicker. The data reported are in context with the electronics, which in turn is responsible for the flicker. So, for example, the base and the design, which provide information about the housing conditions (i. e. space limitations). 

Manufacturers who use the CFD to measure light flicker:

Assessment of the CFD as a percentage

Product Review:

It should be made clear that the categorization and assessment of the light flicker property of a product is not an overall assessment of the product, but only the partial aspect of optical light flicker. Nevertheless, I consider light flicker as an indispensable evaluation criterion. Everyone makes their own decision, which criteria he or she uses to evaluate a product in its entirety.


In order to correctly evaluate the CFD in practice, the CFD webpage shows some pictures of light signatures from each of the 5 categories, staggered according to a traffic light system.

Here is only the description, so you can imagine how the corresponding light affects the human being:



0 < CFD <= 12%:

Virtually imperceptible, <1% flicker-free


deep green

13% < CFD < 25%:

Rarely perceptible

"acceptable", yellow-green

25% < CFD < 50%:

Possibly perceptible and after prolonged exposure increased eye strain



50% < CFD < 75%:

Probably perceived by more than 50% of the population, first stroboscopic effects (phase-wise no light, dark). After prolonged exposure discomfort and headache, unsuitable for work

"strongly affected",


CFD > 75%:

Perceptible by more than 75% of the population, strong stroboscopic effects (periodically no light, long periods of darkness). Prolonged exposure will lead to impaired physical condition (headache, feeling of general malaise, dizziness, may be risk of epileptic seizure). Wrong perception of movements, classified as hazardous when working with cycling or rotating parts

"extremely affected",


Stroboscopic light (CFD from approx. 50%) is to be avoided at workplaces according to DIN EN 12464-1, which can not be otherwise good. Illuminants that do not meet this standard should actually already have a limitation on usability: "Not suitable for working". Here is a gap in the EU labeling regulation.

Only those lamps should exist on the market, which fit into the first two categories (as CFD <25%).

Only flicker-free lamps (CFD <1%) do not have any negative effects while filming (e.g. digital camera, mobile phone). Other CFD values in the green range can contain slightly darker stripes. From the 'moderat' category, the stripes will be well visible and with a CFD of more than 50%, they will be black, with increasing CFD the black stripes extend to wider bars.


More about light flickering and the measuring method can be found here.

Upon request, Der Lichtpeter can supply measurement results in the form of a measurement report.

List of tested illuminants



  • LED: Multiled (# of LEDs),
    Filament (# of Filaments), HighPower
  • Engergy Saving Lamp
  • IncStd=Incandescent
  • dimmable; Tl=Driverless


  • E14
  • E27
  • GU10
  • MR16
  • MR11
  • G9
  • G4
  • G13
  • GX53
  • G24d
  • Pipe=LED rope
  • ##V=Wire / Voltage converter


  • T: Transparent
  • M: Milky
  • Spot/Reflector/Downlight/Chip: R##= Diameter, W##=Emitting angle

Lumens   Watts

The amount of watts is rounded according to the energy label specification.


Day of the measurement, which is usually the period of the purchase of the illuminant.


Specification of the CFD in percent in the appropriate color and, if given, additionally:

  •  FfT: For the quality I certify a "Flicker Free Technically" (absolutely flicker-free).
  •  FfH: For the quality, I certify a "Flicker Free for Humans" (high frequencies possible).


Assessment according to CIE: PstLm & SVM:

  • <= 0.1: flickerfree.
  • <= 1.0: poor in flicker.
  • < 2.0: acceptable.
  • <4.0%: moderate.
  • >4.0: dangerous for certain activities.


Assessment according to IEEE 1789 Recommended Practice 1:

  • noelnobservable effect level: practically flickerfree.
  • recmd: recommended operating area.
  • risky: above low risk region.


California’s 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Title 24 + Joint appendix 8-6 applied by UL

  •  pass: Probably UL would issue a certificate for 'low flicker'.
  •  marginal: The flickering is in the threshold area for a 'low flicker'.
  •  fail: The flicker is out of range for a 'low flicker'.

! Important: No UL certificate is given here; it is only estimated if the test item would pass the UL test !

This page shows the correlation between UL flicker values and the CFD.


X or #

Can not be determined



The "Article" column contains the links to the website on which the article was offered at the time of purchase (see "Date"). That may be an assistance.
These links may not be valid today, they are usually not updated due to the huge maintenance effort. Der Lichtpeter is not responsible for the content of the linked website, even if it is no longer valid

and / or may be redirected to another website.

Last update: 09-Aug-2023

Brand Article Technique Socket Shape LumFlux Power Date CFD TLA IEEE1789 CaT24Ja10
Abedoe XXXX LedCobdim R7s T-Roehre118 1300Lm 15W 2019-09-10 132% 8.1 risky fail
AcornSolution xxxG9 LedM22 G9 M-MiniBirne 300Lm 3W 2021-04-07 94% 6.5 risky fail
ActiveJet AJE-DS2014C LedH E14 M-Kerze 450Lm 5W 2016-11-10 46% 3.4 risky fail
ActiveJet AJE-DS3014C LedH E14 M-Kerze 320Lm 4W 2016-11-10 47% 3.4 risky fail
Aethlux LED-S19-C35 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 350Lm 3W 2015-12-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Aethlux LED-S19-G45 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 350Lm 3W 2015-12-12 2% 0.1 noel pass
Agotd AD-DGU10 LedH7dim GU10 T-R50W38 580Lm 7W 2021-12-16 2% 0.2 recmd pass
Ainise DR-10-G9-20 LedM86 G9 T-MiniBirne 800Lm 10W 2018-05-07 76% 5.5 risky fail
Ainise DR-4-E14-C35 LedF4dim E14 M-Kerze 360Lm 4W 2018-05-05 130% 8.1 risky fail
Aiwode OFS-E14-G45 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 6W 2020-08-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Aiwode OFS-SMD5W-GU10 LedM24dim GU10 T-R50W120 600Lm 5W 2020-01-03 39% 2.8 risky fail
Aiwode OFS-SMD5W-MR16 LedM24dim MR16 T-R50120 600Lm 5W 2020-01-11 68% 4.6 risky fail
Albrillo LL-FL2 LedM3x6dim 230V T-Leuchte 400Lm 20W 2017-08-29 34% 2.6 risky pass
Albrillo LL-G25 LedM72dim 12V M-Leuchte 900Lm 12W 2018-01-04 5% 0.1 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LG1 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 400Lm 4W 2017-08-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LS-003 LedH E27 M-Birne 800Lm 9W 2017-10-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LS14 LedM12 G4 T-ChipR31 140Lm 3W 2016-07-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LS15 LedM51 G9 T-MiniMais 310Lm 5W 2016-07-27 90% 6.3 risky fail
Albrillo LL-LS17 LedM48dim G4 T-MiniMais 190Lm 3W 2016-07-27 98% 6.6 risky fail
Albrillo LL-LS18 LedM64 G9 T-MiniMais 190Lm 3W 2016-11-02 85% 6.0 risky fail
Albrillo LL-LS19 LedM108dim R7s T-Roehre118 1000Lm 10W 2016-09-25 3% 0.1 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LW1 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-08-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LY5 LedM64 E14 M-MiniMais 380Lm 4W 2017-10-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LY5 LedM64 E14 T-MiniMais 400Lm 4W 2017-10-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LY7 LedM32 G9 T-MiniMais 330Lm 3W 2017-10-12 2% 0.1 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LY8 LedM32 E14 M-MiniMais 310Lm 3W 2017-10-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LY8 LedM32 E14 T-MiniMais 330Lm 3W 2017-10-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-LZ1 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-08-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Albrillo LL-SL-007 LedM100 230V T-Leuchte 4000Lm 50W 2017-08-29 24% 1.8 risky fail
Albrillo NY-L11 LedF6dim E27 T-Birne 450Lm 5W 2018-01-04 132% 8.1 risky fail
Alfa LED-E14-CM011 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 450Lm 4W 2017-09-14 134% 8.2 risky fail
Alviller Fahrradlicht LedH AkkuUsb5V T-Leuchte 300Lm #W 2018-06-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Amarcords ML703 LedF4dim E14 M-Tropfen 360Lm 4W 2021-05-17 2% 0.1 noel pass
AmazLit CLED-039C LedM224dim 230V M-Leuchte 1200Lm 18W 2020-10-26 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
AmazonBasics 50W-GU10-WW-36D-DIM-NEW LedH5dim GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 6W 2018-06-03 >150% 5.9 severe fail
AmazonBasics 929001323805 LedM18 G9 T-MiniBirne 204Lm 2W 2019-09-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
AmazonBasics 929001844105 LedM6 G4 T-MiniBirne 205Lm 2W 2019-09-11 22% 1.5 risky fail
AmazonBasics 929001913804 LedM4 GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 4W 2019-09-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
AmazonBasics E14-2-25W-ND-P-shape LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2018-08-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
AmazonBasics E14-2-40W-ND-P-shape LedH E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 6W 2018-08-20 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ambother pwixogkk208 LedM45 G9 T-MiniMais 450Lm 4W 2021-02-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Amzdeal LED-1505-COB LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 2W 2017-07-17 77% 5.6 risky fail
Anpro EMC30404WW LedM28dim 230V T-R50W120 500Lm 5W 2019-08-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Anwio AN-G45-1C LedF4 E27 T-Tropfen 470Lm 5W 2020-09-29 <1%, FfH 0.1 noel pass
Anwio AN-GX53-22 LedM GX53 M-R75W110 650Lm 7W 2021-10-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Aogled A-E14CW-10W-6K LedM86 E14 T-Mais 1200Lm 12W 2020-02-17 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Aogled CUB-300 Led 230V M-Leuchte 400Lm 5W 2019-08-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Aoxdi Led-G9-2835-Smd LedM14dim G9 M-MiniBirne 300Lm 3W 2019-09-07 126% 8.0 risky fail
Aoxdi Led-R7s-COB-10W LedCobdim R7s T-Roehre118 900Lm 10W 2019-09-07 135% 8.2 risky fail
Aoyiso G4-2W LedM12 G4 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 2W 2021-08-24 1% 0.1 noel pass
Arcadia FBC20X CFL E27 M-Birne 1300Lm 20W 2020-06-23 4% 0.3 recmd pass
Arditi 037819 LedM16Tldim 230V T-ChipR70 1700Lm 18W 2018-11-23 110% 7.3 risky fail
Arditi 038665 LedM16Tldim 230V T-ChipR70 1700Lm 18W 2019-09-07 117% 7.5 risky fail
Ark-Licht SunLight7-2700 LedM10dim GU10 T-R50W45 600Lm 7W 2020-10-26 14% 1.0 risky pass
Arvidsson Led-E14-Candle LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 4W 2017-08-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Arvidsson Led-G9-Spotlight LedM51 G9 T-MiniMais 450Lm 6W 2017-03-04 86% 6.1 risky fail
AsapGot G4-2835-12PC-2W LedM12 G4 M-MiniBirne 220Lm 2W 2018-03-22 23% 1.5 risky fail
AsapGot G9-2835-14PC-3W LedM14dim G9 M-MiniBirne 220Lm 3W 2018-03-22 129% 8.0 risky fail
Ascher ASG4-2W LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 210Lm 2W 2017-05-17 21% 1.4 risky fail
Ascher ASG9-3W LedM52 G9 T-MiniMais 380Lm 3W 2017-09-15 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ascher ASR7Scw-10W LedM96dim R7s T-Roehre118 900Lm 10W 2016-05-18 3% 0.2 risky pass
Ascher ASR7Sww-10W LedM96dim R7s T-Roehre118 900Lm 10W 2016-05-17 2% 0.2 recmd pass
Ascher GS03 LedM64 G9 T-MiniMais 220Lm 3W 2016-05-17 86% 6.0 risky fail
Ascher GT05 LedM51 G9 T-MiniMais 350Lm 5W 2016-05-17 89% 6.2 risky fail
Aselight ASE-C35-B-6W-E14-WW LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-09-17 44% 3.2 risky fail
Aselight ASE-C35B-6W-WW LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-09-15 46% 3.3 risky fail
Aselight ASE-G45A-4W-WW-Golden LedF6dim E14 T-Tropfen 600Lm 6W 2017-09-17 47% 3.5 risky fail
Aselight C35-4W-Frosted LedF4dim E14 M-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-09-15 33% 2.4 risky fail
Aselight G45-e14-6w-frosted LedF6dim E14 M-Tropfen 600Lm 6W 2017-09-17 40% 2.9 risky fail
Asoko XXX LedM28dim Usb5V T-Leuchte 350Lm 6W 2021-06-21 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Atopsun ATGMFL200SW LedH4 230V T-Leuchte 20000Lm 200W 2017-05-27 21% 1.6 risky fail
Attralux 8710619364937 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 7W 2016-04-11 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Attralux 8710619364951 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2016-04-11 6% 0.4 risky pass
Attralux 8710619364999 LedH6 GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 5W 2016-04-11 39% 2.8 risky fail
Attralux 8710619365842 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 4W 2016-04-11 28% 2.1 risky fail
Attralux 8710619365880 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 6W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Attralux 8710619365941 LedH E14 M-MiniBirne 140Lm 2W 2016-04-11 31% 2.3 risky fail
Attralux 8710619365989 LedM4 G9 T-MiniKolben 250Lm 3W 2016-09-24 25% 1.8 risky fail
Attralux 8710619392480 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 7W 2016-09-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Attralux 8710619392503 LedF3 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 4W 2016-09-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Attralux 8710619392527 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 470Lm 4W 2016-09-24 3% 0.2 noel pass
Attralux 8710619392541 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2016-09-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Attralux 8710619392565 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 4W 2016-09-24 1% 0.1 noel pass
Attralux 8710619392589 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2016-09-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Attralux 8718699530372 Led E27 M-Birne 2000Lm 19W 2020-06-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
AuraLum CJC4 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2015-12-12 95% 6.6 risky fail
Auting E27-10W LedM E27 T-Mais 1000Lm 10W 2020-09-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
AvatarControls BCSL2 LedM25dim 230V T-Lichterkette 1200Lm 12W 2022-05-17 17% 1.9 risky pass
AvianSun AS-C5 CFL E27 M-Birne #Lm 26W 2020-06-23 4% 0.3 recmd pass
Avoalre 070273 LedM500dim 230V T-Lichterkette #Lm 4W 2021-11-11 95% 6.4 risky fail
Awenia E27-20W-3000K LedH E27 M-Birne 2452Lm 20W 2018-05-31 1% 0.1 noel pass
Backture IL-E12-186-8M16T LedF16 230V T-Lichterkette 640Lm 16W 2022-03-25 55% 4.0 risky fail
Bapro Natur LedM216 230V T-Leuchte 18000Lm 200W 2020-01-24 65% 4.7 risky fail
Beghelli 56115 LedM60 R7s T-Roehre118 1200Lm 10W 2016-05-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Belaufe G45-E14-4WT-TM LedF4dim E14 T-Tropfen 350Lm 4W 2023-01-17 1% 0.1 noel pass
Belkin Wemo-F7C033VFE27 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 800Lm 10W 2016-10-19 3% 0.2 noel pass
Bellalux 4058075115330 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 7W 2018-11-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Bellalux 4058075595620 LedH E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 13W 2023-01-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
BelnsMelns 29180663 LedM2 E27 T-Birne 65Lm 2W 2022-05-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
BelnsMelns 29181554 LedM96dim R7s T-Roehre118 1700Lm 15W 2022-12-16 3% 0.3 risky pass
Besolis XXXX LedF6dim E14 T-Tropfen 660Lm 6W 2016-12-13 137% 8.3 risky fail
BestSeason 360-11 LedM E14 T-MiniBirne 60Lm 1W 2016-04-07 48% 3.5 risky fail
Betling B1176De LedH1dim 230V T-Leuchte 900Lm 10W 2020-08-13 9% 0.6 risky pass
Bhony HY-GBS-300-1 LedM300dim 230V T-Lichterkette #Lm 6W 2021-11-11 78% 5.4 risky fail
Bihrtc A80-01 LedH E27 M-Birne 2800Lm 25W 2020-05-22 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Bigzom E14-C35 LedM E14 M-MiniBirne 135Lm 2W 2023-01-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Bio+Led ML-LB5W LedH E14 M-Kerze 420Lm 5W 2021-12-09 60% 4.4 risky fail
Bioled ML-TB50W LedH E27 M-Globe 4500Lm 50W 2020-05-22 54% 4.0 risky fail
Bioledex B14-00S3-579 LedM E14 M-Mais 200Lm 3W 2016-05-17 29% 2.1 risky fail
Bioledex R7S-1703-762 LedM72 R7s T-Roehre118 600Lm 8W 2016-05-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Bioledex SG9-01K1-674 LedH G9 M-MiniKolben 100Lm 2W 2016-05-18 75% 5.5 risky fail
Bioledex SG9-48D3-568 LedM48dim G9 M-Mais 220Lm 4W 2016-05-17 103% 7.0 risky fail
Biolicht PZR-A60C-4.2W LedF4 E27 T-Birne 420Lm 5W 2016-02-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Biolicht PZR-A60C-6.4W LedF8 E27 T-Birne 600Lm 7W 2016-02-10 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Biolicht PZR-A60S-4.2W LedF4 E27 M-Birne 400Lm 5W 2016-02-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Biolicht PZR-A60S-6.4W LedF8 E27 M-Birne 580Lm 7W 2016-02-10 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Biolicht PZR-CandleC LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 300Lm 3W 2016-02-10 2%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Biolicht PZR-CandleS LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 300Lm 3W 2016-02-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Biolicht PZR-GU10-5W LedH GU10 T-R50W36 380Lm 5W 2016-02-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Biolicht PZR-MiniglobeS LedF4 E14 M-Tropfen 300Lm 3W 2016-02-10 2%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
B-K-Licht BKL1247 LedM6 230V T-R50W36 460Lm 5W 2020-02-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Blewandy 5WGU103000K LedM12 GU10 M-R50W120 450Lm 5W 2022-01-21 61% 4.5 risky fail
Blewandy E271115-A LedM84 E27 T-Mais 1200Lm 12W 2022-05-17 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Blivrig 2D-Ufo-100W LedM145 230V T-Leuchte 10000Lm 100W 2022-06-23 63% 4.6 risky fail
Blivrig Type01-50W-01 LedM72 230V T-Leuchte 5000Lm 50W 2022-02-02 63% 4.6 risky fail
Bluebulls 120010WD360R7s118 LedM72dim R7s T-Roehre118 1200Lm 10W 2016-05-17 9% 0.6 risky pass
Bojim GU10-6W-WW LedM18 GU10 T-R50W120 600Lm 6W 2019-08-10 47% 3.4 risky fail
Bonnov MR16-6W-3000K LedM27 MR16 T-R50W120 450Lm 5W 2022-01-26 29% 1.9 risky fail
Bonshine A60-2 LedF2 E27 T-Birne 190Lm 2W 2016-01-22 69% 4.9 risky fail
Bonshine A60-4 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 360Lm 4W 2016-02-01 121% 7.8 risky fail
Bonshine A60-6 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 5W 2016-01-21 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Bonshine B35-2 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 160Lm 2W 2016-01-22 48% 3.5 risky fail
Bonshine C35-4 LedF4dim E14 M-Kerze 300Lm 4W 2016-02-01 37% 2.7 risky fail
Bopp 38580309 LedHTldim 230V M-Leuchte 2250Lm 27W 2019-01-13 112% 7.4 risky fail
Brandson 304020 LedM68dim 230V T-Dwn82W120 320Lm 5W 2020-11-10 13% 0.8 risky marginal
Brantoo XXX LedM28 G9 T-MiniMais 300Lm 2W 2020-10-01 1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Braytron BA13-03020 LedH E27 M-Globe 2630Lm 30W 2020-05-22 13% 1.0 risky marginal
Brillant 96691B11 LedM28 GU10 T-R50W90 360Lm 5W 2016-04-20 47% 3.4 risky fail
Briloner 042-005L LedH3dim GU10 T-R50W38 380Lm 5W 2016-04-23 6% 0.6 recmd pass
Briloner 0440-020L ESL E27 T-Wendel 1350Lm 20W 2016-04-23 4% 0.3 recmd pass
Briloner 0440-023L ESL E27 T-Wendel 1550Lm 23W 2016-04-23 5% 0.3 risky pass
Briloner 14102206L LedM G13 M-Roehre1200 1800Lm 18W 2016-04-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Briloner 7233-018 LedM24dim 230V T-Dwn100W# 1000Lm 11W 2016-10-19 3% 0.1 noel pass
Briloner LM15-030 LedH E14 M-Kerze 400Lm 5W 2016-04-11 46% 3.3 risky fail
Briloner LM15-036 LedM12 GU10 T-R50W110 250Lm 3W 2016-04-22 30% 2.2 risky fail
Briloner LM15-037 LedM15 GU10 T-R50W110 330Lm 4W 2016-04-22 10% 0.7 risky pass
Briloner LM15-054 LedH4 GU10 T-R50W36 400Lm 5W 2017-03-24 26% 1.9 risky fail
Briloner LM19-011 LedM7dim GU10 T-R50W36 460Lm 6W 2021-12-08 2% 0.2 recmd pass
Brimax LM-DE-C35-4W-E14-27D LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 420Lm 4W 2018-05-05 32% 2.3 risky fail
Brimax LM-FM-C35-4W-E14-27ND LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2018-05-06 31% 2.2 risky fail
BX-Pendelleuchten ST64 LedF8dim E27 T-Radio 640Lm 7W 2017-07-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Calex 423750 LedH MR16 T-R50W30 230Lm 3W 2016-01-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Calex 473193 LedHdim MR16 T-R50W45 300Lm 7W 2016-02-01 71% 4.7 risky fail
Calex 474644 LedF4 E14 M-Tropfen 290Lm 3W 2016-01-22 89% 6.3 risky fail
Carus 1014171 LedHdim E14 M-Birne 400Lm 7W 2016-02-27 19% 1.4 risky fail
Carus 1015385 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 600Lm 9W 2016-02-27 8% 0.6 risky pass
Casalux 45000 LedMdim 230V M-Leuchte 610Lm 8W 2021-12-15 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Catellani+Smith Lw253 LedH12Tldim 230V T-Leuchte 1590Lm 17W 2018-11-23 110% 7.3 risky fail
Centor b1-9260552 LedH E27 M-Tropfen 250Lm 4W 2016-06-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Centor b1-9260554 LedH E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2016-06-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Centor b1-9260556 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 11W 2016-06-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Centor b1-9260557 LedM39 GU10 T-R50W110 220Lm 3W 2016-06-18 54% 4.0 risky fail
Centor b1-9260566 LedM30 MR16 T-R50W110 220Lm 3W 2016-06-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
CenturyLight C32T-4W LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-09-17 131% 8.1 risky fail
CenturyLight CL-003 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 850Lm 6W 2022-10-07 4% 0.2 recmd pass
CenturyLight DR-1-E14-C7 LedF1 E14 T-Kerze 50Lm 1W 2018-04-27 14% 0.9 risky marginal
CenturyLight DR-1-E14-T22 LedF2 E14 T-MiniBirne 100Lm 1W 2018-04-27 37% 2.5 risky fail
CenturyLight T20S-2W-E14 LedF4dim E14 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 2W 2017-09-17 129% 8.0 risky fail
CenturyLight T25-4W-E14-2200K LedF4dim E14 T-Roehre 350Lm 4W 2017-09-17 129% 8.0 risky fail
Chesbung G4-16 LedM16 G4 T-MiniBirne 350Lm 4W 2020-07-13 <1%, FfH 0.1 noel pass
ChiliTec 21315 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 420Lm 5W 2016-01-21 58% 4.2 risky fail
ChiliTec 21318 LedH MR16 T-R50W36 400Lm 5W 2016-01-21 1% 0.1 noel pass
ChiliTec 21336 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 230Lm 3W 2016-01-21 8% 0.4 risky pass
ChiliTec 21576 LedM75 G9 M-MiniMais 540Lm 6W 2016-10-21 89% 6.3 risky fail
ChiliTec 21578 LedM27 G9 M-MiniMais 270Lm 4W 2016-10-21 90% 6.3 risky fail
ChiliTec 21641 LedM G9 M-MiniMais 200Lm 3W 2016-01-21 71% 5.2 risky fail
ChiliTec 21643 LedM G4 M-MiniMais 90Lm 1W 2016-01-21 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
CHL LP4008 LedM E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2015-12-04 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Civilight CL7505 LedHdim 230V T-R50W36 400Lm 6W 2018-01-13 8% 0.5 risky pass
Civilight CL8002W LedHdim 230V T-Dwn85W36 400Lm 6W 2016-11-03 7% 0.5 risky pass
Civilight CL8134N LedHdim 230V T-Dwn85W36 400Lm 6W 2016-11-03 8% 0.6 risky pass
Civilight CLE2428 LedF2dim E14 T-Kerze 300Lm 3W 2017-01-13 24% 1.7 risky fail
Civilight CLE2432 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 450Lm 4W 2017-01-13 42% 3.0 risky fail
Civilight Haled80-22661 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 6W 2016-08-19 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Civilight Haled95-22164 LedHDim GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 7W 2016-06-10 20% 1.4 risky fail
Coitrozr 419-975-022 LedCobdim R7s T-Roehre118 1000Lm 10W 2021-10-27 131% 8.1 risky fail
Creyer G9-4014-33LED LedM33 G9 T-MiniMais 350Lm 4W 2019-09-01 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Creyer KLL445P-5 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 550Lm 5W 2023-01-14 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
CroLed XXXX LedH2 G4 T-MiniBirne 150Lm 2W 2016-05-18 33% 2.2 risky fail
CrownLed DL02-SMDC37-5000K LedH E14 M-Kerze 650Lm 7W 2021-03-07 5% 0.3 recmd pass
CrownLed DL03-SMDGU10-5000K LedH GU10 M-R50W120 650Lm 7W 2021-03-07 4%, FfT 0.3 recmd pass
CrownLed VS03-A60-2200K LedF1dim E27 T-Birne 180Lm 4W 2021-04-30 2% 0.2 risky pass
DaBy 3D-Led-Candle LedM1dim 3V T-Kerze 10Lm 1W 2020-11-06 3% 0.1 noel pass
DaLight DAL1014 LedH18 230V M-Leuchte 1200Lm 18W 2020-01-03 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
DaSinKo Led-C35-Fil-6W LedF6 E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-09-15 88% 6.2 risky fail
DavidComm LED6G4527Lmam LedH E27 M-Tropfen 90Lm 1W 2015-11-06 23% 1.7 risky fail
DaylightItalia 700140-00A LedF2dim E27 T-Globe 250Lm 5W 2017-04-28 37% 2.7 risky fail
DearMistery U2M4AC112W LedMdim 5V T-Stripe 200Lm 3W 2017-05-31 39% 2.9 risky pass
Deepee XXX LedM153dim 12V T-Leuchte xLm 17W 2021-10-21 23% 2.2 risky pass
Dicuno DiCOB101 LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 250Lm 2W 2017-10-23 28% 1.9 risky fail
Dicuno DiCUG9110-240WW5 LedM64 G9 T-MiniMais 320Lm 4W 2017-10-23 83% 5.8 risky fail
Dicuno EU-G9-32-CMC-DMB-WW LedM32dim G9 T-MiniMais 260Lm 3W 2022-03-22 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Dicuno G9-3W-PC-WW LedM14 G9 M-MiniBirne 350Lm 3W 2017-10-23 68% 5.0 risky fail
Dicuno G9-4W-320Lm-SW LedM64dim G9 T-MiniMais 320Lm 4W 2017-10-23 84% 5.9 risky fail
Dicuno G9-4W-350Lm-SW LedM72dim G9 T-MiniMais 350Lm 4W 2017-10-23 125% 7.9 risky fail
Dicuno G9-6W-550Lm-SW LedM75dim G9 T-MiniMais 550Lm 6W 2017-10-23 126% 8.0 risky fail
Dicuno UK-E14-88-CMC-DMB-WW LeM88dim E14 T-MiniMais 430Lm 4W 2020-01-02 2% 0.1 risky pass
Dicuno UK-WV-GU10-5W-MTL-FS-DW LedH GU10 T-R50W60 400Lm 5W 2020-08-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Dicuno UK-WV-R7S-108-CMC-DMB-WW LedM108dim R7s T-Roehre118 1100Lm 10W 2020-01-02 2% 0.1 recmd pass
Dicuno WV-FB-E27-A60-9W-FS-WW LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 9W 2023-01-14 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
DORESshop LHS-GX53001D-3000 LedM14dim GX53 M-R75W120 500Lm 5W 2022-01-14 116% 7.6 risky fail
Draeger VarioLux LedH7dim 230V T-Leuchte #Lm 8W 2021-12-16 80% 5.5 risky pass
DragonLight XXX LedM168 E27 T-Mais 5000Lm 50W 2020-05-29 1% 0.1 noel pass
DragonLight XXX LedM297 E27 T-Leuchte 12500Lm 100W 2020-05-22 2% 0.1 noel pass
DSLebeen SL-G9C-2-2-3000K LedM14 G9 T-MiniBirne 250Lm 2W 2023-01-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ductio D-T8-ST-L-S-18.140.L.T-N-F LedM G13 M-Roehre1200 2780Lm 18W 2017-10-28 <1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Ductio D-T8-ST-L-S-25.140.L.T-N-F LedM G13 M-Roehre1500 4000Lm 25W 2017-10-28 1%, FfT 0.1 recmd pass
Ductio SL-DGA00-525LT-G8-T LedM G13 M-Roehre1500 3700Lm 25W 2017-08-19 39% 2.8 risky fail
Duralamp 272702-D LedHdim GU10 T-R50W10 500Lm 8W 2019-09-17 15% 1.0 risky fail
Dutsuguar G80-4W LedF1dim E27 T-Globe 520Lm 4W 2022-06-13 7% 0.7 risky pass
Ebyreo XXX IncStddim E14 T-R40Wx 80Lm 30W 2020-02-08 11% 0.8 risky pass
Ecall EAC00541WW LedM30 GU10 T-R40W120 500Lm 5W 2019-08-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
EchtPower 0048-NB LedM48 SolarAkku T-Leuchte 450Lm #W 2018-06-18 7% 0.1 recmd pass
EcoLuma G9-A-32-DIM LedM32dim G9 T-MiniMais 420Lm 4W 2019-07-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
EcoLuma G9-T-45X-ND LedM45 G9 T-MiniMais 500Lm 5W 2021-11-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
eecoo G9-A-32Led LedM32dim G9 T-MiniMais 500Lm 5W 2019-07-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 11423 LedM12 GU10 T-R50W# 400Lm 5W 2016-04-18 21% 1.5 risky fail
Eglo 11461 LedM23 G9 T-MiniKolben 200Lm 2W 2016-04-18 71% 5.2 risky fail
Eglo 11475 LedH GU10 T-R50W38 240Lm 3W 2016-04-18 44% 3.2 risky fail
Eglo 11483 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 11491 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 350Lm 4W 2016-04-18 40% 2.9 risky fail
Eglo 11492 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2016-04-18 86% 6.1 risky fail
Eglo 11496 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 350Lm 4W 2016-04-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 11498 LedF4 E27 T-Tropfen 350Lm 4W 2016-04-18 39% 2.9 risky fail
Eglo 11499 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 350Lm 4W 2016-04-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 11501 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 550Lm 6W 2016-04-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 11597 LedM E27 M-Globe 470Lm 5W 2019-11-20 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 11643 LedH E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 75501 LedM 230V M-Leuchte 1050Lm 12W 2020-07-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 11848 Glimm E14 T-Kerze 10Lm 1W 2021-08-25 >150% 20.4 severe fail
EGLO 52624 LedM18 E14 T-R50W110 #Lm 1W 2016-06-11 23% 1.7 risky fail
Eglo 12578 LedF2dim E27 T-Birne 400Lm 5W 2021-10-22 9% 0.0 recmd pass
Eglo 75564 LedMdim 230V M-Leuchte 3420Lm 24W 2020-12-30 2% 0.0 noel pass
Eglo 96668 LedMdim 230V M-Leuchte 2000Lm 16W 2019-11-15 13% 0.4 recmd pass
Eiko DLED-A19-4-E27 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 420Lm 4W 2015-11-06 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Eiko DLED-A19-4DIM-E27 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 420Lm 4W 2015-11-12 132% 8.1 risky fail
Eiko DLED-A19-4F-E27 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 420Lm 4W 2015-11-12 1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Eiko DLED-A19-8DIM-E27 LedF8dim E27 T-Birne 800Lm 8W 2016-02-06 135% 8.2 risky fail
Eiko DLED-C35-2-E14F LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2015-11-06 89% 6.3 risky fail
Eiko DLED-C35-2E1424K LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2016-02-10 88% 6.2 risky fail
Eiko DLED-C35-4-E14DIM LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 380Lm 4W 2016-02-26 134% 8.2 risky fail
Eiko DLED-G45-2-E14 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 200Lm 2W 2016-02-10 89% 6.3 risky fail
Eiko DLED-G45-2-E14F LedF2 E14 M-Tropfen 200Lm 2W 2016-02-26 88% 6.2 risky fail
Eiko DLED-G45-2-E14HS LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 220Lm 2W 2016-02-26 88% 6.2 risky fail
Eiko DLED-G45-2-E27 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 200Lm 2W 2015-11-06 89% 6.3 risky fail
Eiko DLED-G45-2E1424K LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 220Lm 2W 2016-02-10 89% 6.3 risky fail
Eiko DLED-T22-1-E14 LedF1 E14 T-MiniBirne 100Lm 1W 2016-02-10 83% 5.9 risky fail
Eletorot WY6975 LedHdim 1xAA T-Leuchte xxLm xxW 2017-11-10 57% 4.3 risky pass
Elfeland ELFELANDcmufade252 LedF1dim E27 T-Globe 180Lm 3W 2018-03-10 133% 8.2 risky fail
Elfeland ELFELANDcmufade258 LedF1dim E27 T-Radio 180Lm 3W 2018-03-10 134% 8.2 risky fail
Elfeland ELFELANDcmufade445 LedF6dim E27 T-Radio 600Lm 6W 2018-03-10 129% 8.1 risky fail
Elfeland ELFELANDcmufade469 LedF6dim E27 T-Globe 600Lm 6W 2018-03-10 129% 8.1 risky fail
Elfeland ELFELANDcmufade638 LedF4 E27 T-Globe 400Lm 4W 2018-03-09 67% 4.9 risky fail
Elfeland ELFELANDcmufade638 LedF4 E27 T-Radio 400Lm 4W 2018-03-09 67% 4.9 risky fail
Elinkume B-F401WL LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 427Lm 4W 2017-01-21 92% 6.4 risky fail
Elinkume B-F601WJ4S LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 440Lm 6W 2018-05-05 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Elinkume B35-450WL LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 450Lm 4W 2017-08-07 89% 6.2 risky fail
Elinkume B35-600WLd LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-08-03 128% 8.0 risky fail
Elinkume BF35-190WL LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 190Lm 2W 2017-08-04 82% 5.9 risky fail
Elinkume BF35-600WLd LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-08-04 130% 8.1 risky fail
Elinkume G4-T03-W10 LedM48 G4 T-MiniMais 250Lm 3W 2017-08-03 28% 1.9 risky fail
Elinkume G4-T1-W5 LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 310Lm 4W 2017-08-03 5% 0.3 recmd pass
Elinkume G9-4Led20M-W5 LedF4dim G9 T-MiniBirne 226Lm 2W 2017-08-03 128% 8.0 risky fail
Elinkume G9-HP14-W1-5114 LedM14dim G9 M-MiniBirne 220Lm 3W 2017-08-15 128% 8.0 risky fail
Elinkume G9-T104-W5 LedM104 G9 T-MiniMais 450Lm 5W 2017-08-04 90% 6.3 risky fail
Elinkume G9-T70D-W5 LedM70dim G9 T-MiniMais 420Lm 4W 2017-08-03 124% 7.9 risky fail
Elitecho 864836 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 9W 2017-11-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Elldue Led5W3000kRund LedH6 230V T-Dwn86W45 480Lm 5W 2020-01-02 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Elro RS306-1004248 3xLedM6 230V T-Leuchte 180Lm 3W 2021-08-25 63% 4.6 risky fail
Eltropa ELNR-50682-27 LedHdim 230V T-Dwn88W38 700Lm 8W 2019-02-07 2% 0.1 noel pass
ELV 119828 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Emotionlite P45-4-22 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 300Lm 4W 2018-04-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Emotionlite ST64LF-4-22 LedF4dim E27 T-Radio 400Lm 4W 2018-08-08 17% 1.3 risky fail
Encoft XXX LedMdim 230V M-Leuchte #Lm 16W 2020-08-31 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Engeya G9-COB-2W LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 250Lm 2W 2019-07-26 78% 5.6 risky fail
Enuotek DR-11-G9-18 LedM74 G9 T-MiniMais 1000Lm 11W 2017-11-14 88% 6.2 risky fail
Enuotek DR-7-G9-16 LedM75 G9 T-MiniMais 600Lm 7W 2017-11-14 89% 6.3 risky fail
Ermukeji YQM-LB-Sunset-02 LedH Usb5V T-Leuchte #Lm 5W 2021-07-14 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
eSave iFux2-60W-100175 LedMdim 230V Leuchte 7400Lm 60W 2017-09-28 32% 2.5 risky pass
EsoDrive Ca-Cmd20x3-20ma LedM60 230V M-Leuchte 213Lm 3W 2019-11-21 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Esto 89554 LedM E14 T-MiniKolben 300Lm 3W 2015-12-19 46% 3.3 risky fail
Esto 89560 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-12-19 89% 6.3 risky fail
Esto 89562 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 210Lm 2W 2015-12-19 90% 6.4 risky fail
Esto 89565 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 450Lm 4W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Eterbiz E14k4w LedM22 E14 M-MiniBirne 385Lm 4W 2020-08-13 87% 6.1 risky fail
Eterbiz G9-2835-7W LedM G9 T-MiniMais 650Lm 7W 2020-09-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
eurolighting siehe RFsemi (Hersteller)                  
ExtraStar DE-G9DIMW-6 LedM30dim G9 T-MiniMais 300Lm 3W 2020-08-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Falale DR-4-E14-C35 LedF4dim E14 M-Kerze 300Lm 4W 2018-08-20 127% 8.0 risky fail
Falale DR-4-E14-C35 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 300Lm 4W 2018-08-09 127% 8.0 risky fail
Favrison Zwd15W LedM78dim Usb5V T-Leuchte 250Lm 3W 2021-07-08 3% 0.1 noel pass
FeelGlad FG7191-DE LedHdim 12V M-Birne #Lm 20W 2018-03-17 1% 0.0 noel pass
Feintech Ltl00321e LedMdim 230V M-Leuchte 2400Lm 20W 2023-07-19 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 111400 LedM35 E14 T-Kolben 500Lm 8W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 111924 LedM42 E27 T-Kolben 704Lm 7W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112241 LedH GU10 T-R50W70 365Lm 6W 2015-12-29 1% 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112256 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 720Lm 9W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112437 LedF2dim E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2015-09-23 135% 8.1 risky fail
Fiai 112445 LedF6dim E27 T-Birne 510Lm 5W 2015-09-23 135% 8.2 risky fail
Fiai 112511 LedM G9 T-MiniKolben 409Lm 5W 2015-09-23 88% 6.2 risky fail
Fiai 112592 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 460Lm 4W 2015-12-29 1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112593 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 460Lm 4W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112595 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 390Lm 4W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112596 LedF8 E27 M-Globe 710Lm 8W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112602 LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 450Lm 4W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 112609 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 1000Lm 8W 2015-12-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 113682 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W60 480Lm 8W 2019-02-16 7% 0.5 risky pass
Fiai 113683 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W60 500Lm 8W 2019-02-16 7% 0.5 risky pass
Fiai 114066 LedH1dim GU10 T-R50W10 410Lm 8W 2023-01-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Fiai 114067 LedH1dim GU10 T-R50W10 410Lm 8W 2019-12-10 15% 1.1 risky marginal
Firelamp 18FDL-EU64114-v02 LedM64 E27 M-Mais 300Lm 3W 2019-08-16 54% 9.0 severe fail
Flair 5597161 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2015-12-20 40% 2.9 risky fail
Flair 5597162 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 350Lm 4W 2015-12-20 56% 4.0 risky fail
Flair 5827434 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 810Lm 6W 2016-12-13 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Flair 5827439 LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 370Lm 4W 2015-12-20 39% 2.8 risky fail
Flair 5827570 LedF2 E27 T-Kerze 250Lm 2W 2015-12-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Flair 5828275 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 300Lm 3W 2015-12-20 63% 4.6 risky fail
Flair 5828282 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 150Lm 2W 2015-12-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
FLSNT DSA1960FILFR27-27 LedF4dim E27 M-Birne 900Lm 7W 2022-05-17 2% 0.3 risky pass
FLSNT DSG1560FILFR14-27 LedF4dim E14 M-Tropfen 550Lm 6W 2022-05-17 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
FreLed F7-002-100w LedM120 230V T-Leuchte 7500Lm 100W 2017-07-02 3% 0.2 recmd pass
FreLed F8-001-A30-7W LedMTldim 230V M-Dwn125W120 560Lm 7W 2017-09-04 29% 1.8 risky fail
FreLed F8-001-A50-15W LedMTldim 230V M-Dwn180W120 1350Lm 15W 2017-09-04 47% 3.2 risky fail
FreLed F8-001-A80-24W LedMTldim 230V M-Dwn230W120 2300Lm 24W 2017-09-04 43% 2.9 risky fail
Fsm 1015189900 LedM12 GU10 T-R50W120 250Lm 3W 2020-02-25 46% 3.4 risky fail
Fulighture AFUGD00302G9 LedM45 G9 T-MiniMais 400Lm 5W 2020-01-13 85% 6.0 risky fail
Fulighture FUHE002O-4W-E27 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 400Lm 4W 2020-10-16 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Fulighture FUHE002V-4W-E27 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 400Lm 4W 2020-10-19 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Fulighture XXX6k LedM45 G9 T-MiniMais 400Lm 5W 2020-03-13 85% 6.0 risky fail
Fulighture XXX LedH E14 M-Kerze 300Lm 3W 2020-08-26 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Fulighture XXX LedH E14 M-Kerze 320Lm 4W 2020-03-13 68% 5.0 risky fail
Fulighture XXXX LedM39 G9 T-MiniMais 400Lm 5W 2019-10-03 88% 6.2 risky fail
Fulighture XXXX LedM56 E14 T-MiniMais 500Lm 7W 2019-11-18 79% 5.6 risky fail
G-Glow E27-500WW1D LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 500Lm 5W 2016-08-15 17% 1.0 risky marginal
G-Glow G4-300EW1D LedM12dim G4 T-ChipR30 300Lm 3W 2016-08-15 119% 7.7 risky fail
G-Glow G9-350WW1 LedM51 G9 T-MiniMais 350Lm 4W 2016-08-15 88% 6.2 risky fail
G-Glow G9-450WW1 LedM51 G9 T-MiniMais 450Lm 5W 2016-08-15 87% 6.2 risky fail
G-Glow G9-450WW1D LedM45dim G9 T-MiniMais 450Lm 5W 2016-08-15 108% 7.2 risky fail
GaoTerLED GTL-A60-8A-dim LedF8dim E27 T-Birne 720Lm 6W 2017-05-25 1% 0.1 risky pass
GaoTerLED GTL-C35-4A-dim LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 360Lm 4W 2017-05-08 28% 2.0 risky fail
GaoTerLED GTL-C35-6A-dim LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 480Lm 5W 2017-05-08 46% 3.3 risky fail
GaoTerLED GTL-G45-6A-dim LedF6dim E27 T-Tropfen 600Lm 5W 2017-05-25 2% 0.1 risky pass
GE 91227 IncStddim E27 M-Birne 880Lm 100W 2018-01-23 6% 0.4 risky pass
GE 91229 IncStddim E27 M-Birne 450Lm 60W 2018-01-23 9% 0.7 risky pass
GE 93010067 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 470Lm 7W 2018-01-23 27% 2.0 risky fail
GE 93010267 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 810Lm 11W 2018-01-23 15% 1.0 risky marginal
GE 93012864 LedH E27 M-Tropfen 250Lm 4W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GE 93024033 LedH E27 M-Kolben 810Lm 9W 2017-11-07 9% 0.7 risky pass
GE 93036935 LedH E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 16W 2018-03-12 14% 1.0 risky marginal
GE 93039069 LedH E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 11W 2018-03-12 15% 1.1 risky marginal
GE 93039070 LedH E27 M-Birne 810Lm 10W 2018-03-12 10% 0.7 risky pass
GE 93039072 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 7W 2018-03-12 4% 0.3 recmd pass
GE 93046029 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 5W 2017-11-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GE 93046030 LedH E27 M-Birne 810Lm 8W 2017-11-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GE 93046416 LedF3 E27 T-Birne 460Lm 4W 2018-01-23 2% 0.1 recmd pass
GE 93046419 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 760Lm 7W 2018-01-23 6% 0.5 risky pass
GE 93051677 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GE 93051678 LedF4 E27 T-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GE 93051683 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GE 93057436 LedM 230V M-Dwn180W110 1100Lm 11W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GE 93064747 LedM 230V M-Dwn180W110 1080Lm 12W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Genixgreen C7 LedF1 E14 T-Kerze 50Lm 1W 2020-09-01 56% 4.1 risky fail
Genixgreen G40 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 100Lm 1W 2020-09-04 34% 2.3 risky fail
Genixgreen GLL-001 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 806Lm 7W 2022-09-17 6% 0.3 recmd pass
Genixgreen GLL-T16C-1W-E14 LedF1 E14 T-MiniBirne 50Lm 1W 2023-02-26 78% 5.6 risky fail
Genixgreen T28-2k2 LedF2 E27 T-MiniBirne 80Lm 1W 2021-03-07 77% 5.6 risky fail
Genixgreen T28-2k7 LedF2 E27 T-MiniBirne 80Lm 1W 2021-03-07 78% 5.6 risky fail
Gespert Fahrradlicht LedHdim AkkuUsb5V T-Leuchte 1200Lm #W 2018-06-17 5% 0.0 noel pass
Gighlofe GKD05 LedM204Tl 230V T-Leuchte 13000Lm 100W 2020-02-03 62% 4.5 risky fail
GirardSudron 028620 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 440Lm 4W 2015-12-05 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GirardSudron 028622 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 420Lm 4W 2015-12-05 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GirardSudron 161163 LedM27 G4 T-MiniMais 220Lm 3W 2016-04-05 27% 0.5 risky pass
GirardSudron 713170 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2015-11-24 69% 4.9 risky fail
GirardSudron 713190 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2015-11-24 71% 5.0 risky fail
GirardSudron 713192 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2015-12-05 69% 4.8 risky fail
GirardSudron 713297 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-12-05 71% 5.0 risky fail
GirardSudron 713496 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2015-11-18 71% 5.0 risky fail
GirardSudron 713497 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-12-05 65% 4.6 risky fail
GirardSudron 713504 LedF4dim E14 M-Kerze 300Lm 4W 2016-02-01 35% 2.5 risky fail
GirardSudron 713620 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2015-12-05 61% 4.3 risky fail
GirardSudron 713627 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-12-05 68% 4.8 risky fail
GirardSudron 713770 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2015-12-05 63% 4.5 risky fail
GirardSudron 715990 LedF2 E14 T-Radio 105Lm 1W 2015-11-24 31% 2.0 risky fail
GLIME gfgya41 LedM16 G9 M-MiniBirne 400Lm 5W 2021-02-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Glime GL-G4-03 LedM20 G4 T-MiniBirne 400Lm 4W 2021-12-31 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Glime GL-TL-01 LedMdim 12V M-Leuchte 1000Lm 12W 2020-11-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Globaltronics GT-rl-10-LED LedM Pipe T-Schlauch 480Lm 25W 2015-09-15 57% 4.2 risky fail
Globo 10768 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 200Lm 3W 2015-12-19 57% 4.2 risky fail
Globo 10769 LedH E14 M-Kerze 200Lm 3W 2015-12-19 57% 4.2 risky fail
Goobay 44241 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 4W 2016-02-27 1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Goobay 44242 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 6W 2016-02-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Goobay 44243 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 250Lm 2W 2016-02-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Goobay 44244 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 470Lm 4W 2016-02-27 4% 0.2 recmd pass
Goobay 44245 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 2W 2016-02-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GpLighting 078166-LDCE1 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 5W 2016-11-03 134% 8.2 risky fail
Gr4tec MY-TD-003-W6 LedM6 230V M-R63W120 300Lm 3W 2019-08-26 4% 0.1 noel pass
GreeHse C35-E14-Dim LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 420Lm 4W 2021-12-22 <1%, FfH 0.1 noel pass
GreenAndCo 033D-A60-4W-3D LedM14 E27 T-Birne 80Lm 4W 2019-04-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo AL-GU10-BL-15 LedM15 GU10 T-R50W110 430Lm 5W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo AL-GU10-BL-15 LedM8 GU10 T-R50W120 320Lm 4W 2018-04-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo DE-A60-G LedM E27 M-Birne 500Lm 5W 2019-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo DE-A60-G-638 LedH E27 M-Birne 638Lm 7W 2016-04-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo ES-A60-6W-E27 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 700Lm 6W 2015-09-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo FSL-GU10-7-30 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W36 500Lm 7W 2016-01-20 2% 0.1 noel pass
GreenAndCo Fu-RN-I-A60-1-2 LedM2 E27 T-Birne 65Lm 2W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo Fu-RN-I-B75-2 LedM4 E27 T-Birne 200Lm 4W 2018-04-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo Fu-RN-I-C35-1-2 LedM2 E14 T-Kerze 65Lm 2W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo Fu-RN-I-ST45-1-2 LedM2 E14 T-Tropfen 65Lm 2W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo Fu-RN-I-ST64-1 LedM4 E27 T-Radio 200Lm 4W 2018-04-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo Fu-RN-I-T30-1 LedM2 E27 T-Stab 65Lm 2W 2018-04-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo Fu-RN-I-T45-1-4 LedM4 E27 T-Birne 200Lm 4W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo G4CIRCLE5050-12WW LedM12 G4 T-ChipR28 150Lm 3W 2019-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-COB-GU10-7W LedH GU10 T-R50W38 540Lm 7W 2016-04-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-COB-MR16-3W LedH MR16 T-R50W38 240Lm 3W 2019-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-COB-MR16-3W-Ra90 LedH MR16 T-R50W38 200Lm 3W 2019-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-COB-MR16-5W LedH MR16 T-R50W38 370Lm 5W 2019-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-COB-MR16-5W-Ra90 LedH MR16 T-R50W38 330Lm 5W 2019-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-GU10-5W-Dim LedHdim GU10 T-R50W38 400Lm 5W 2017-06-08 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-GU10-7W-Dim LedHdim GU10 T-R50W38 530Lm 7W 2017-06-08 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-SL82-5W-Ra97-N LedH 230V T-Dwn82W38 300Lm 5W 2019-10-15 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo HAI-SL82-5W-Ra97-W LedH 230V T-Dwn82W38 300Lm 5W 2019-10-15 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo LAC-LG9K3F-D LedM27dim G9 T-MiniKolben 280Lm 4W 2016-10-25 119% 7.7 risky fail
GreenAndCo LL-A60-11W-E27-C LedF8 E27 T-Birne 1521Lm 11W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo LL-C35-4W-E14-D-C LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 4W 2017-08-19 8% 0.5 risky pass
GreenAndCo LL-G125-7W-E27-C LedF4 E27 T-Globe 806Lm 7W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo LL-G125-8W-E27-C LedF6 E27 T-Globe 1055Lm 8W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo LL-ST64-4W-E27-A LedF4 E27 T-Radio 360Lm 5W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo LL-ST64-7W-E27-D-A LedF4dim E27 T-Radio 638Lm 7W 2017-07-13 4% 0.3 recmd pass
GreenAndCo NZ-COB-GU10-7W LedH GU10 T-R50W60 500Lm 7W 2016-01-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-G9-53SMD-3.5W LedM53 G9 T-MiniKolben 350Lm 4W 2017-08-19 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU10-15SMD LedM15dim GU10 T-R50W110 400Lm 6W 2016-03-01 5% 0.3 recmd pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU10-35mm-MCOB-3W LedH GU10 T-R35W36 220Lm 3W 2017-06-08 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU10-5W-15SMD-4K-90 LedM15 GU10 T-R50W110 430Lm 5W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU10-5W-15SMD-D-90 LedM15dim GU10 T-R50W110 410Lm 5W 2019-10-15 <1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU10-5W-15SMD-SD-90 LedM15dim GU10 T-R50W110 420Lm 5W 2019-10-15 2% 0.1 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU10-MCOB-7W LedM15 GU10 T-R50W50 510Lm 7W 2018-04-27 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU10-MCOB-7W-4K-90 LedM GU10 T-R50W36 510Lm 7W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-GU4-MR11-MCOB-3W LedH MR11 T-R35W38 240Lm 3W 2017-06-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo NZ-MR16-MCOB-6W-4K-90 LedM MR16 T-R50W36 470Lm 6W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo RW-03R50-6W-4K LedH E14 M-R50W160 480Lm 6W 2022-03-09 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo RW-03R50-6W LedM E14 M-R50W160 450Lm 6W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo RW-03R63-8W LedH E27 M-R63W160 640Lm 8W 2022-03-09 1% 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo RW-03R80-12W LedH E27 M-R80-W160 980Lm 12W 2022-03-09 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo RW-A60-4-TF LedF4 E27 T-Birne 440Lm 4W 2015-09-12 3%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo RW-C35-2-TF LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2016-01-20 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo RW-C35-4W-2700K-90-D LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 420Lm 4W 2018-12-22 4% 0.2 recmd pass
GreenAndCo RW-G9-3W-2700K-R95-D LedM32dim G9 T-MiniMais 250Lm 3W 2019-10-15 5% 0.8 risky pass
GreenAndCo RW-G9-4W-3000K-R95-D LedM64dim G9 T-MiniMais 400Lm 4W 2019-10-15 <1%, FfH 0.1 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-A19-5W-E27-D LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 620Lm 5W 2015-09-21 5% 0.4 risky pass
GreenAndCo TM-A19-6W-E27-C LedF6 E27 T-Birne 810Lm 6W 2015-09-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-A19-6W-E27-W LedF6 E27 M-Birne 806Lm 6W 2016-06-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-A19-8W-E27-D LedF8dim E27 T-Birne 960Lm 8W 2017-12-15 4% 0.3 recmd pass
GreenAndCo TM-A19-8W-E27-D-W LedF8dim E27 M-Birne 1000Lm 8W 2017-12-15 5% 0.4 risky pass
GreenAndCo TM-A60-3W-E27-Curve-A LedF1 E27 T-Birne 150Lm 3W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-C35-2W-E14-Curve-A LedF1 E14 T-Kerze 100Lm 2W 2017-12-15 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-C35-2W-E14-W LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2016-01-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-C35-3W-E14-C LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 3W 2015-09-10 2%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-C35-3W-E14-W LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 380Lm 3W 2015-09-12 2%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-C35T-3W-E14-C LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 3W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-G45-3W-E14-C LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 400Lm 3W 2016-06-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-G45-3W-E14-W LedF4 E14 M-Tropfen 380Lm 3W 2016-06-27 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-G95-5W-E27-Spiral-A LedF2 E27 T-Globe 250Lm 5W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo TM-ST64-5W-E27-Twin-A LedF2 E27 T-Radio 250Lm 5W 2017-07-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo YY-A60AP-18W LedH E27 M-Birne 1700Lm 18W 2016-06-27 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo YY-B60AP-12W LedH E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 12W 2016-06-27 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo YY-B60AP-15W LedH E27 M-Birne 1400Lm 15W 2016-06-27 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo YY-B80AP-24W LedH E27 M-Birne 2050Lm 24W 2018-12-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenAndCo YY-R50AP-5W LedH E14 M-R50W180 410Lm 5W 2016-06-27 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
GreenLed 3521 LedM96 R7s T-Roehre118 1600Lm 17W 2017-06-13 76% 5.4 risky fail
GreenLed 3602 LedM96dim R7s T-Roehre118 1050Lm 14W 2017-06-13 114% 7.4 risky fail
GreenLed GU1060-80-ww LedM60 GU10 T-R50W80 210Lm 4W 2015-09-24 40% 2.9 risky fail
GreenLed GUS1043-WT LedM43 E14 T-MiniBirne 270Lm 3W 2016-03-03 25% 1.9 risky fail
GreenPowerLED LED1x6S10LD LedHdim GU10 T-R50W60 420Lm 6W 2016-08-10 10% 0.7 risky pass
GreenSun D094-C16W-6-OY LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 540Lm 6W 2019-11-18 44% 3.1 risky fail
Grensk G45SD-E14-WW LedF4dim E14 T-Tropfen 400Lm 4W 2021-05-17 2% 0.1 recmd pass
Grensk G45SD-E27-WW LedF4dim E27 T-Tropfen 400Lm 4W 2021-04-28 2% 0.4 risky pass
Grensk T28SD-E14-WW LedF4dim E14 T-Roehre 400Lm 4W 2021-05-17 3% 0.3 risky pass
Guri Led7Wc LedH GU10 T-R50W60 500Lm 7W 2016-03-31 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Gvoree XXX LedM60 MR16 T-R50W120 450Lm 5W 2020-01-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
GYCS G9-COB-3W-Dim LedHdim G9 T-MiniBirne 300Lm 3W 2022-09-11 51% 2.2 risky fail
Gy LED-Bulb-GU10-10W6500K LedH GU10 M-R50W120 1100Lm 10W 2023-01-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Haisha G9-82735T2 LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 230Lm 2W 2019-07-26 75% 5.4 risky fail
Haisha MR16-82750P7 LedH6 MR16 T-R50W38 560Lm 7W 2020-01-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Halemeier-Tci 3212701-122260 LedM108dim 230V M-Leuchte 1335Lm 15W 2019-11-14 57% 4.3 risky pass
Halemeier-Tci 3212701-123403 LedM108dim 230V M-Leuchte 1335Lm 15W 2019-12-04 1% 0.2 noel pass
Halemeier-Tci 3212701-125403 LedM108dim 230V M-Leuchte 1335Lm 15W 2019-12-04 1% 0.2 noel pass
Hama 00176585 LedMdim GU10 M-R50W120 400Lm 6W 2023-01-14 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Hanclled HCL-E14-4LED LedF4dim E14 T-MiniBirne 400Lm 3W 2017-09-15 129% 8.0 risky fail
Hanclled HCL-E14CLED-6WW LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 500Lm 6W 2017-09-15 8% 0.6 risky pass
Hcnew G40G-1W-E14 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 100Lm 1W 2020-09-29 35% 2.3 risky fail
Heitech 04002695 LedM33 E14 T-MiniMais 240Lm 3W 2019-10-03 81% 5.8 risky fail
Heitronic 15015 LedH4 MR16 T-R50W36 300Lm 6W 2017-04-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Heitronic 15041 LedH E27 M-Birne 950Lm 10W 2023-08-09 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Heitronic 16165 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 4W 2016-02-28 37% 2.7 risky fail
Heitronic 16166 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2015-10-19 41% 2.9 risky fail
Heitronic 16175 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 400Lm 4W 2016-02-28 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Heitronic 16176 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2015-09-12 86% 6.1 risky fail
Heitronic 16178 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 200Lm 2W 2016-02-28 85% 6.1 risky fail
Heitronic 16179 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 150Lm 2W 2015-10-19 59% 4.2 risky fail
Heitronic 16202 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 640Lm 6W 2016-02-28 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Heitronic 16203 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 430Lm 4W 2015-10-19 57% 4.1 risky fail
Heitronic 16204 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 300Lm 3W 2015-10-19 74% 5.2 risky fail
Heitronic 16524 LedM90 E27 T-Birne 360Lm 5W 2016-01-23 48% 3.5 risky fail
Heitronic 16897 LedM33 G4 T-MiniKolben 300Lm 3W 2016-03-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Hengda COB-HD-TM-5727 LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 350Lm 4W 2019-07-26 80% 5.7 risky fail
Hengda HD-TGD111-200W-WW LedH4 230V T-Leuchte 16000Lm 200W 2017-11-13 19% 1.4 risky fail
Hepol A60-Led LedH E27 T-Birne 470Lm 5W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Hfcdl G9-3K LedM14 G9 T-MiniBirne 300Lm 3W 2022-01-18 80% 5.8 risky fail
Hibay LE-R7S78 LedM36 R7s T-Roehre78 450Lm 5W 2022-02-14 98% 6.8 risky fail
Himanjie D4PT200W220V201602 LedM396 230V T-Leuchte 20000Lm 200W 2017-11-07 60% 4.3 risky fail
HiraLite HT14W-E27 LedH E27 M-Birne 1090Lm 14W 2018-10-28 3% 0.1 noel pass
Hornbach 7680061 LedM80 230V T-Lichterkette #Lm 2W 2018-01-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Horstmann LM15-049 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 320Lm 4W 2017-08-15 46% 3.4 risky fail
Horypt GKD09 LedH96 230V T-Leuchte 10000Lm 100W 2019-11-28 61% 4.4 risky fail
Horypt XXX LedM195 E27 T-Leuchte 10000Lm 100W 2021-03-07 16% 1.2 risky marginal
HQ LFE14CAND001 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2016-02-27 88% 6.2 risky fail
HQ LFE14CAND002 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 345Lm 4W 2016-02-27 132% 8.1 risky fail
HQ LFE14FLTP001 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2016-02-27 89% 6.2 risky fail
HQ LFE14FLTP002 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 330Lm 4W 2016-02-27 130% 8.1 risky fail
HQ LFE27A60001 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 450Lm 4W 2016-02-27 1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
HQ LFE27A60002 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 800Lm 6W 2016-02-27 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
HQ LFE27A60003 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 370Lm 4W 2016-02-27 22% 1.6 risky fail
HQ LFE27MINI001 LedF4dim E27 T-Tropfen 330Lm 4W 2016-02-27 31% 2.2 risky fail
HQ LFE27ST64001 LedF4 E27 T-Radio 345Lm 4W 2016-02-27 44% 3.2 risky fail
Hustung T32-300-4W LedF1dim E27 T-Roehre300 400Lm 4W 2022-05-17 1% 0.3 risky pass
Hydong DR-4-E14-C35 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 5W 2018-09-01 23% 1.5 risky fail
Hzsane 2W-E14C7-WW-24 LedF2 E14 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 2W 2017-11-09 38% 2.6 risky fail
Hzsane 6W-E14C35-WW-20 LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-11-09 131% 8.1 risky fail
HZSANUE H-HCorn32W-E27NW-2P-0039 LedM135 E27 T-Mais 3600Lm 32W 2023-02-26 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
I-Glow 22134 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 4W 2016-11-11 15% 1.1 risky marginal
I-Glow 22136 LedF4dim E27 T-Tropfen 470Lm 4W 2016-11-12 16% 1.2 risky fail
I-Glow 22158 LedM14 G9 M-Minibirne 200Lm 3W 2016-11-12 66% 4.8 risky fail
I-Glow 25937B LedH 230V T-Leuchte 600Lm 11W 2016-11-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
I-Glow 5878-010 LedM27 E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2018-10-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
I-Glow 5879-013 LedM27dim E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 13W 2018-10-08 24% 1.7 risky fail
I-Glow 5940011 LedM 230V M-Leuchte 1200Lm 20W 2016-11-10 27% 2.0 risky fail
I-Glow 5956005 LedM15 E27 M-R50W110 400Lm 5W 2016-11-12 29% 2.1 risky fail
I-Glow 82321 LedM68 Euro230V M-Leuchte 950Lm 12W 2016-11-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
I-Glow 8510200001 LedM 230V M-Leuchte 600Lm 10W 2016-11-10 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
I-Glow A905N27P1 LedF6 E27 M-Birne 630Lm 6W 2016-11-12 42% 3.0 risky fail
I-Glow C905N14P1 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2016-11-12 16% 1.1 risky marginal
I-Glow RXN12047 LedH E27 M-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2021-08-25 19% 1.4 risky fail
I-Glow RXN15001 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 345Lm 4W 2016-11-10 <1%, FfH 0.1 noel pass
I-Glow RXN15004 LedF2 E14 T-MiniRoehre 210Lm 2W 2016-11-11 86% 6.1 risky fail
I-Glow RXN15006 LedF4 E27 T-Globe 345Lm 4W 2016-11-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
I-Glow RXN16017 LedM66 E27 M-Birne 1710Lm 17W 2017-02-17 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ikea B0913-Jansjoe LedH Euro5V Leuchte 70Lm 2W 2015-09-15 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ikea CL405 ESL E14 M-Kerze 180Lm 5W 2015-09-17 6% 0.3 recmd pass
Ikea GSU111 ESL E27 M-Birne 570Lm 11W 2015-09-12 6% 0.4 risky pass
Ikea HQ312002 LedH E14 M-Kerze #Lm 4W 2022-02-09 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ikea ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1 TrafoPwmDim 230V Box #Lm 30W 2020-10-16 18% 2.0 risky pass
Ikea LED1107G2 LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 90Lm 2W 2016-01-13 78% 5.6 risky fail
Ikea LED1207G11 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 600Lm 11W 2015-09-24 16% 0.8 risky pass
Ikea LED1221G7 LedH E27 M-Birne 400Lm 6W 2016-01-24 12% 0.9 risky pass
Ikea LED1308G16 LedHdim E27 M-Globe 1000Lm 17W 2015-10-23 17% 1.2 risky fail
Ikea LED1309G15 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1000Lm 13W 2015-09-16 13% 0.9 risky marginal
Ikea LED1462R3 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 200Lm 3W 2016-01-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ikea LED1484G2 LedM E14 T-Globe 20Lm 2W 2017-11-07 1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ikea LED1532R6 LedH5dim GU10 T-R50W36 400Lm 6W 2016-10-21 9% 0.7 risky pass
Ikea LED1536G5 LedHdim E14 M-Tropfen 400Lm 5W 2018-01-04 28% 2.3 risky pass
Ikea LED1633G5 LedF4dim E27 T-Globe 400Lm 5W 2017-08-07 12% 0.8 risky marginal
Ikea LED1639C3 LedF2dim E14 T-Kerze 200Lm 3W 2017-11-07 14% 1.0 risky marginal
Ikea LED1708R5 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W36 400Lm 6W 2019-08-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ikea LED1712G11 LedHdim E27 M-Globe 1000Lm 11W 2020-11-01 4% 0.2 recmd pass
Ikea LED1721C6 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 6W 2020-10-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ikea LED1828G1 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 100Lm 1W 2020-07-06 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ikea LED2014G10 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 10W 2021-12-10 5% 0.4 risky pass
IKH CRX3062 LedM70Tl 230V T-Leuchte 2100Lm 30W 2016-10-23 52% 3.8 risky fail
Ilamiqi XXX LedF4 E14 T-Roehre 400Lm 4W 2020-10-26 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ilamiqi XXX LedF6 E14 T-Kerze 610Lm 6W 2020-07-03 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ilamiqi XXX LedM50 E14 T-Mais 1200Lm 12W 2020-10-26 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ilamiqi XXX LedM60dim E27 T-Mais 1000Lm 12W 2020-10-30 2% 0.1 noel pass
Iluminize 2217-24C0-60 LedM12dim 230V T-Dwn68W60 540Lm 7W 2021-08-13 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Iluminize 250632 LedHTldim GU10 T-R50W60 500Lm 6W 2020-07-02 115% 7.5 risky fail
Infineon XDPL8220 DriverDim 230V PCB #Lm 50W 2016-11-01 <1%, FfH   noel pass
Innovate siehe auch Fiai (Hersteller)                  
Innovate 38107 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 600Lm 6W 2015-09-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Innovate 38108 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 500Lm 5W 2015-09-23 19% 1.0 risky marginal
Innovate 38109 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2015-09-23 31% 1.7 risky fail
Innovate 38131 LedM G9 T-MiniKolben 409Lm 5W 2015-09-23 90% 6.3 risky fail
Innovate 38147 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 450Lm 4W 2015-09-23 90% 6.3 risky fail
Innovate 38154 LedM72 R7s T-Roehre78 650Lm 8W 2017-09-11 89% 6.2 risky fail
Innovate 38173 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 300Lm 4W 2017-09-11 132% 8.1 risky fail
Iolloi A60-7W-E27 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 600Lm 7W 2021-04-30 12% 0.9 risky pass
I-Shunfa R7s108Led LedM108dim R7s T-Roehre118 1100Lm 10W 2021-05-28 2% 0.1 noel pass
Isoled siehe Fiai (Hersteller)                  
ISY ILE-1002 LedH GU10 M-R50W35 220Lm 4W 2015-12-19 38% 2.8 risky fail
ISY ILE-1005 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 250Lm 4W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
ISY ILE-2001 LedH E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2015-12-19 25% 1.8 risky fail
ISY ILE-2100 LedH E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2015-12-19 28% 2.0 risky fail
ISY ILE-2500 LedHdim E14 M-Kerze 320Lm 6W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfT 0.1 risky pass
ISY ILE-2800 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2015-12-19 59% 4.2 risky fail
ISY ILE-3002 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 4W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
ISY ILE-3800 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 220Lm 2W 2015-12-19 63% 4.5 risky fail
ISY ILE-4800 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 240Lm 2W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
ISY ILE-5800 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 4W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
ISY ILE-6002 LedH E27 M-Birne 810Lm 10W 2015-12-19 24% 1.8 risky fail
ISY ILE-6010 LedH E27 M-Birne 600Lm 8W 2015-12-19 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Italasa DR-2-E14-C35 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 140Lm 2W 2018-05-26 91% 6.3 risky fail
JC TriProof-20160727172506 LedM 230V M-Leuchte 2800Lm 36W 2017-08-04 49% 3.5 risky fail
Jenyolon G9-Led LedCob G9 T-MiniBirne 600Lm 5W 2023-05-11 81% 5.8 risky fail
Jenyolon GX53-8W-WW LedM16 GX53 M-R75W180 800Lm 8W 2020-02-25 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Jesled G9-3W-WW LedM14 G9 M-MiniBirne 300Lm 3W 2022-10-06 66% 4.8 risky fail
Jinlonta E15T2878 LedM78dim B15d T-MiniMais 570Lm 6W 2022-02-05 132% 8.2 risky fail
Joydeer JFS24-B1WA60Y-ZP LedM112 230V T-Leuchte 6000Lm 60W 2023-01-07 53% 3.9 risky fail
Jinlonta JR-E14-2W-WW-1909-DE LedCob E14 T-Minibirne 230Lm 2W 2021-10-25 73% 5.3 risky fail
JoyinLed YDG-20001027W LedH 230V T-Dwn52W45 220Lm 3W 2020-04-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Jpodream G9-2835-32LED LedM32 G9 T-MiniMais 400Lm 5W 2019-11-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Kakanuo KKN-C35-WW-glass LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 360Lm 4W 2017-11-13 131% 8.1 risky fail
Kakanuo KKN-E14-51x2835-WW-PC LedM51 E14 T-MiniMais 360Lm 4W 2017-11-17 91% 6.3 risky fail
Kakanuo KKN-R7S-WW3000K-10W LedM80 R7s T-Roehre118 1200Lm 10W 2017-11-14 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Kakanuo KKN-T30-WW-glass LedF4dim E27 T-Kolben 360Lm 4W 2017-11-17 131% 8.1 risky fail
Kakanuo KKNEU-G9-2835-43-WW LedM14 G9 T-MiniBirne 300Lm 3W 2017-11-17 70% 5.1 risky fail
Kambo C05NXYW LedM18 230V T-Dwn86W120 500Lm 5W 2020-01-08 36% 2.6 risky fail
Kimjo SL82-IP44 LedH6 230V T-Dwn86W120 500Lm 5W 2020-01-07 1% 0.1 noel pass
Kimjo WW-880001 LedM64 GU10 T-R50W120 450Lm 5W 2020-01-08 40% 2.9 risky fail
Kimjo YG9-COB-Glass LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 220Lm 2W 2019-07-25 73% 5.3 risky fail
Kindeep KDP-G9-WW-JP LedM44 G9 T-Kerze 400Lm 5W 2017-08-18 84% 6.0 risky fail
Kindeep UK-G9-3W-WW LedM14 G9 M-MiniBirne 270Lm 3W 2017-07-18 70% 5.1 risky fail
Kindeep UK-G9-8W-WW LedM74 G9 T-MiniMais 650Lm 8W 2018-08-20 89% 6.3 risky fail
Kingso KINGSOeciolduk128 LedF4dim E27 T-Radio 400Lm 4W 2018-03-23 129% 8.0 risky fail
Kingso KINGSOeciolduk160 LedM12 G4 T-MiniBirne 150Lm 2W 2018-03-23 30% 2.1 risky fail
Kingso KINGSOeciolduk161 LedM14 G9 M-MiniBirne 210Lm 3W 2018-03-26 82% 5.8 risky fail
KJLARS LZ-D3108-C LedM108 R7s T-Roehre78 600Lm 6W 2017-05-29 81% 5.8 risky fail
KobosLed Cob2508G9 LedHdim G9 T-MiniBirne 400Lm 5W 2017-09-15 127% 8.0 risky fail
KobosLed Cob2809E14 LedF4dim E14 T-MiniBirne 400Lm 5W 2017-09-15 128% 8.0 risky fail
Kohree HP345-HO-DE LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 440Lm 4W 2018-05-05 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Kraus LK13-Z-ES-200 LedHdim 230V T-Dwn85W36 770Lm 9W 2019-01-13 26% 1.9 risky fail
Kreuzer 4260309977977 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 600Lm 6W 2016-01-31 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Kyodoled GT-G4-2.5WCOB LedHdim G4 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 3W 2016-05-17 92% 6.2 risky fail
Kyodoled GT-G4-2WCOB LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 160Lm 2W 2016-05-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Kyotech X0016C5AX1 LedF4 E27 T-Tropfen 400Lm 4W 2022-02-18 1% 0.1 noel pass
Lacyie MA0103200 LedM15 230V T-Dwn82W120 500Lm 5W 2020-09-04 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Laiken LK-CLB-12W LedM30 E27 T-Birne 1200Lm 12W 2017-11-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Laiken LK-CLB-3W LedM30 E27 T-Birne 300Lm 3W 2017-11-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Laiken LK-CLB-3W-E14 LedM45 E14 T-Kerze 300Lm 3W 2017-11-07 1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Laiken LK-CLB-6W LedM30 E27 T-Birne 600Lm 6W 2017-11-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Laiken LK-CLB-8W LedM E27 M-Birne 800Lm 8W 2017-11-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lakes J-E14C35-4W2700K LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 350Lm 4W 2018-09-01 82% 5.9 risky fail
Lakes XXXX LedCob G9 T-MiniBirne 270Lm 3W 2019-09-01 54% 3.8 risky fail
Laluztop SD1005050C LedH GU10 T-R50W36 420Lm 5W 2018-04-03 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lampenlux 23839WW2IP LedM 230V M-Dwn85W120 360Lm 6W 2019-08-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lampenwelt 9945096 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 430Lm 4W 2015-11-18 49% 3.6 risky fail
Lampenwelt 9945102 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 230Lm 2W 2015-11-18 39% 2.8 risky fail
Lampenwelt 9945103 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 430Lm 4W 2015-11-18 42% 3.0 risky fail
lampsplus 960854 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 750Lm 6W 2016-10-21 18% 1.3 risky fail
lampsplus 960955 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 350Lm 4W 2016-10-21 131% 8.1 risky fail
Lansontech C35-Dim-Fl-E14-4W LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-03-09 30% 2.1 risky fail
Lansontech C35-Dim-To-E14-4W LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-03-09 28% 2.0 risky fail
Lansontech C35-Fl-E14-4W LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-03-09 6% 0.4 risky pass
Lansontech C35-To-E14-4W LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-03-09 6% 0.4 risky pass
LcLight L030411 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 360Lm 4W 2017-09-15 132% 8.1 risky fail
Lctw 01-003 LedH MR16 T-R50W35Weiss 250Lm 5W 2015-09-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 01-004 LedH GU10 T-R50W35Weiss 250Lm 5W 2015-09-24 5% 0.1 recmd pass
Lctw 2001 LedH E27 M-Birne 400Lm 8W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 2002(BIR-1003) LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 9W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 3001(BIR-1006) LedHdim E27 M-Birne 470Lm 9W 2016-01-23 2% 0.1 noel pass
Lctw 3002 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 11W 2015-09-24 2% 0.1 noel pass
Lctw 3004 LedHdim E14 T-Kerze 230Lm 5W 2017-04-27 5% 0.5 recmd pass
Lctw 3006 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W35 330Lm 7W 2016-01-23 1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Lctw 4001 LedH MR16 T-R50W33 230Lm 5W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Lctw 4003 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 12W 2016-01-24 2% 0.1 noel pass
Lctw 4005 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2015-09-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 4007 LedH E14 M-Kerze 280Lm 4W 2016-01-23 26% 1.9 risky fail
Lctw 4010 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 350Lm 7W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 4012 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W35 460Lm 8W 2016-01-23 2% 0.1 noel pass
Lctw 4013 LedHdim E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2016-03-31 7% 0.7 recmd pass
Lctw 4014 LedHdim E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2016-01-23 6% 0.6 recmd pass
Lctw 4017 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W35 460Lm 8W 2016-01-23 3% 0.1 noel pass
Lctw 4018 LedH G4 T-MiniKolben 140Lm 3W 2015-10-23 9% 0.5 risky pass
Lctw 4019 LedH G9 T-MiniKolben 200Lm 3W 2015-09-12 37% 2.7 risky fail
Lctw 4020 LedH E14 T-R50W24 230Lm 5W 2015-09-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 4021 LedH E27 T-R63W24 345Lm 7W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 4024 LedHdim E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 7W 2015-09-24 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Lctw 4026 LedH MR16 T-R50W36 345Lm 6W 2015-09-11 4%, FfT 0.1 recmd pass
Lctw 4027 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 6W 2016-03-30 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 4030 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 4W 2015-09-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw 4031 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 6W 2016-02-06 5% 0.5 recmd pass
Lctw 4032 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 6W 2015-10-15 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw A55 LedH E27 M-Birne 400Lm 8W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lctw B35 LedH E14 M-Kerze 230Lm 5W 2016-03-31 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lctw GLS-4027-00 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 345Lm 6W 2016-05-04 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lctw GU10 LedH GU10 T-R50W35Ripp 250Lm 5W 2015-09-15 1% 0.0 noel pass
Lctw GU10 LedH GU10 T-R50W35Weiss 250Lm 5W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lctw MR16 LedH MR16 T-R50W35Ripp 250Lm 5W 2015-09-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw MR16 LedH MR16 T-R50W35Weiss 250Lm 5W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw P45 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 5W 2015-09-24 1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Lctw P45 LedH E27 M-Tropfen 250Lm 5W 2015-09-24 2% 0.0 noel pass
Lctw PAR-3010-01 LedH GU10 T-PAR30 1200Lm 12W 2015-11-06 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lctw RGB(BIR-1001) LedHdim E27 M-Birne #Lm 5W 2016-01-23 1% 0.1 noel pass
Lctw SSL-4019-00 LedH G9 T-MiniKolben 250Lm 3W 2016-01-23 25% 1.8 risky fail
Lctw TRO-4024-00 LedHdim E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 6W 2016-01-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LE 200072-WW-EU LedM6 GU10 T-R50W36 350Lm 4W 2020-01-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lecom LE0712 LedM192dim 230V M-Leuchte 3600Lm 40W 2020-06-12 1% 0.0 noel pass
Lecom LE0774 LedM192 230V M-Leuchte 3600Lm 40W 2020-05-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Lecom LE0774 LedM192dim 230V M-Leuchte 3600Lm 40W 2020-05-30 2% 0.0 noel pass
LEDfux TREBR-738-WWS LedHTldim 230V T-Dwn86W38 430Lm 7W 2016-10-21 123% 7.8 risky fail
LedGalaxy HPE-1615-3WW LedH MR16 T-R50W50 230Lm 5W 2016-01-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LedGalaxy LED-1060-WW LedM60 GU10 T-R50W45 65Lm 2W 2015-09-24 37% 2.6 risky fail
Ledisons LDN38-D2W5-ZWA LedHdim 230V T-Dwn85W120 450Lm 5W 2022-01-14 3% 0.2 recmd pass
LedMaxx A27F06G LedF4 E27 T-Birne 600Lm 7W 2020-06-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LEDmaxx G12F08G LedF8 E27 T-Globe 840Lm 8W 2018-05-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LedMich G9-COB-3000K LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 250Lm 2W 2017-07-19 89% 6.3 risky fail
LedMich G9-CP-3W LedM17 G9 T-MiniMais 220Lm 3W 2017-07-19 87% 6.1 risky fail
Ledon 28000012 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 600Lm 10W 2016-04-15 3% 0.1 noel pass
Ledon 28000165 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 400Lm 7W 2016-04-15 5% 0.5 recmd pass
Ledon 28000239 LedHdim 230V T-R50W38 600Lm 10W 2016-04-15 10% 0.7 risky pass
Ledon 28000289 LedHdim E27 M-Globe 800Lm 13W 2016-04-15 4% 0.1 noel pass
Ledon 28000540 LedM4 G9 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 4W 2016-11-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ledon 28000541 LedM3 G4 T-MiniBirne 100Lm 2W 2017-04-24 4% 0.3 recmd pass
Ledscom LC-SS-590-WW LedF8 E27 T-Globe 750Lm 8W 2018-05-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ledscom LC-SS-627-WW LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2021-12-21 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ledvance 4058075525313 LedMdim 230V M-Leuchte 1500Lm 20W 2021-03-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ledxon 9006063 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2016-04-15 17% 1.2 risky marginal
Ledvance 4058075575790 LedMdim E27 M-Birne 750Lm 8W 2022-06-13 5% 0.6 recmd pass
Ledvance 4058075575998 LedMdim 230V M-Leuchte 3250Lm 35W 2022-06-24 3% 0.0 noel pass
Ledvance 4058075576117 LedM180dim 12V T-Stripe 850Lm 13W 2022-06-23 4% 0.2 noel pass
LED's Light siehe Shada (Hersteller)                  
Leorx LedG4 LedHdim G4 T-MiniBirne 210Lm 2W 2016-05-18 92% 6.1 risky fail
Leorx LedR7s LedM96dim R7s T-Roehre118 850Lm 10W 2016-05-18 2% 0.1 recmd pass
Lepro PR200075-WW-EU LedM12 GU10 T-R50W120 250Lm 3W 2020-09-17 46% 3.3 risky fail
Lerway Bicolor-EL-Brille EL 2xAAA T-Brille xxLm xxW 2017-11-10 3% 0.1 noel pass
LeuchtenDirekt 08109 LedM E14 T-Kolben 400Lm 4W 2015-12-19 69% 5.1 risky fail
LeuchtenDirekt 08157 LedM46 GU10 T-Kolben 400Lm 4W 2016-04-20 42% 3.1 risky fail
LeuchtenDirekt 08158 LedM12 GU10 T-R50W90 230Lm 3W 2016-04-20 40% 2.9 risky fail
LeuchtenDirekt 08190 LedM27 G9 M-MiniKolben 245Lm 3W 2016-04-20 66% 4.8 risky fail
LeuchtenDirekt 11228-17 LedM20 230V T-Leuchte 350Lm 4W 2016-04-20 36% 2.6 risky fail
LeuchtenDirekt 14269-55 LedM28 230V M-Leuchte 810Lm 13W 2016-04-20 38% 2.8 risky fail
Lexman 1102150733 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 5W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman 1102150737 LedH E27 M-Tropfen 806Lm 8W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman A60-7-5.5W30E27 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 6W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman A60-7-8W30E27 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 8W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman A65-7-11W30E27 LedH E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 11W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman A65-7D-14W30E27 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 14W 2018-03-12 12% 0.4 risky pass
Lexman SCLA60G4WE27H LedF4 E27 T-Birne 300Lm 4W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman SCLA60M4WE27H LedF4 E27 M-Birne 470Lm 4W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman SCLA60M6WE27H LedF4 E27 M-Birne 806Lm 6W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman SCLA67M12WE27H LedF6 E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 12W 2018-01-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lexman SCLG80G3.5WE27H LedF4 E27 T-Globe 300Lm 4W 2018-03-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LifeLight MD15977 LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 80Lm 2W 2016-01-29 41% 2.9 risky fail
LifeLight MD15978 LedH G9 T-MiniKolben 170Lm 3W 2016-01-29 26% 2.0 risky fail
LifeLight MD15979 LedH E14 M-MiniBirne 160Lm 3W 2016-01-29 26% 2.1 risky fail
Lightdelux X001HCT70R LedF1 E27 T-Globe #Lm 4W 2022-01-04 2% 0.1 noel pass
LightDelux XGY-A60-E8D LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 800Lm 8W 2023-01-14 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightEd Esferica3000K LedH E27 M-Tropfen 230Lm 5W 2015-12-04 16% 1.2 risky marginal
LightEd Estandar3000K LedH E27 M-Birne 810Lm 10W 2015-12-04 28% 2.0 risky fail
LightEu G4-12SMD-LED LedM12 G4 T-ChipR28 250Lm 2W 2016-05-17 39% 2.7 risky fail
LightEu G4-9SMD-LED LedM9 G4 T-ChipR28 200Lm 2W 2016-05-17 52% 3.7 risky fail
LIGHTEU HB-6002 LedM272 230V T-Leuchte 22500Lm 150W 2019-12-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightingEver 600017-WW LedM21 G4 T-ChipR35 280Lm 3W 2016-05-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85126 LedM8 G4 M-MiniBirne 100Lm 2W 2016-04-05 37% 2.6 risky fail
LightMe LM85130 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2016-06-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85131 LedF3 E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2016-06-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85132 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2016-06-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85133 LedF3 E14 T-Tropfen 400Lm 4W 2016-06-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85134 LedF2 E27 T-Birne 250Lm 3W 2016-06-24 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85135 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 5W 2016-06-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85136-2 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 810Lm 8W 2016-06-24 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85142 LedH E27 M-Birne 850Lm 10W 2015-12-30 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85143 LedF3 E14 T-Tropfen #Lm 4W 2016-04-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85170 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2016-04-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85171 LedF3 E14 M-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2016-04-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85172 LedF2 E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2016-04-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85173 LedF3 E14 M-Tropfen 400Lm 4W 2016-04-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LightMe LM85220 LedM24 G4 T-MiniMais 80Lm 2W 2016-04-05 2% 0.1 noel pass
LightMe LM85221 LedM64 G9 T-MiniMais 170Lm 2W 2016-06-24 83% 5.9 risky fail
LightMe LM85223 LedM51 G9 MiniMais 280Lm 3W 2016-06-24 87% 6.2 risky fail
LightMe LM85233-2 LedH E14 M-R50W120 400Lm 6W 2016-03-08 20% 1.5 risky fail
LightMe LM85293 LedM E14 M-Kerze 125Lm 2W 2016-06-24 20% 1.5 risky fail
Lightway siehe Megos (Hersteller)                  
Lightway siehe Mueller (Hersteller)                  
Lightway XXXX ESL E27 M-Birne 540Lm 11W 2015-10-23 5% 0.3 risky pass
LiLUCO siehe LeuchtenDirekt (Hersteller)                  
Linkind L1000202-27-EU-5-V1A02 LedM6 MR16 T-R50W35 520Lm 5W 2021-02-12 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Linkind L100090170 LedMdim E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 5W 2020-09-07 11% 0.8 risky pass
Linyi D8-UFO220V-100W LedM216 230V T-Leuchte 10000Lm 100W 2022-12-18 62% 4.5 risky fail
Liqoo 10148 LedM G9 M-MiniBirne 250Lm 3W 2017-07-17 69% 5.0 risky fail
Liqoo E14-2W-DS LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-12-12 96% 6.6 risky fail
Liqoo E14-4W-DS LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 420Lm 4W 2017-11-02 90% 6.3 risky fail
Liqoo G4-A-0705-WW LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 120Lm 2W 2016-05-17 2% 0.1 noel pass
Liqoo G4-A-1505-WW LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 210Lm 2W 2016-05-17 2% 0.1 noel pass
Liqoo G9-2508-V-WW LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 280Lm 3W 2016-10-27 60% 4.3 risky fail
Liqoo MR16-5W-A-WW LedM60 MR16 T-R50W120 400Lm 5W 2017-05-18 2% 0.1 noel pass
Lival Asymmetria CFL G23 M-Leuchte 820Lm 11W 2016-04-16 60% 1.5 severe fail
LivarnoLux siehe Briloner (Hersteller)                  
LivarnoLux siehe Owim (Hersteller)                  
LivarnoLux 46905 LedM18 MR16 T-R50W# #Lm 2W 2016-01-18 26% 1.9 risky fail
LivarnoLux HG00785C LedHdim E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2016-09-20 29% 2.1 risky fail
LivarnoLux HG00785D LedHdim E27 M-Birne 470Lm 7W 2016-09-20 20% 1.5 risky fail
LO3SLED 412914 LedH GU10 T-R50W# #Lm 3W 2016-03-14 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lohas ELH-E14-5W-3000K LedM45 E14 T-MiniMais 400Lm 5W 2018-03-09 84% 6.0 risky fail
Lohas LH-010E14-7W-3000K LedM75 E14 T-MiniMais 500Lm 7W 2018-03-09 80% 5.7 risky fail
Lohas LH-E14-5W-4000K LedM45 E14 T-MiniMais 400Lm 5W 2018-03-09 88% 6.1 risky fail
Lohas LH-E14-5WE-3000K LedM45 E14 T-MiniMais 400Lm 5W 2018-03-09 84% 6.0 risky fail
Lohas LH-GU10-150-3000K-D LedM10dim GU10 M-R50W120 500Lm 6W 2018-03-09 103% 7.0 risky fail
LonFine YJD-5326 LedM4dim AkkuUsb5V T-Leuchte 90Lm 1W 2021-10-21 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Loux L200059-WW-EU LedM12 GU10 T-R50W120 250Lm 3W 2019-08-10 47% 3.5 risky fail
LukeRoberts Smartlamp LedMdim 230V Leuchte 4200Lm 55W 2017-09-27 2% 0.2 noel pass
Lumare 43615 LedM60 R7s T-Roehre118 950Lm 10W 2019-09-01 94% 6.5 risky fail
Lumare 43651 LedH 230V M-Dwn95W120 300Lm 4W 2020-07-13 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lumare 43664 LedM 230V M-Leuchte 1600Lm 20W 2020-08-13 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LumiGreen A19-9W LedH E27 M-Birne 880Lm 9W 2017-05-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
LumiLed 500192 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 770Lm 7W 2023-08-02 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lumira BL-G10-80W LedM80 GU10 T-R50W60 380Lm 4W 2016-01-18 17% 1.2 risky fail
Lumixon R7S-3633 LedM36 R7s T-Roehre78 500Lm 5W 2016-05-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lumixon R7S-3664 LedM72 R7s T-Roehre118 1100Lm 10W 2016-05-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Lumixon R7S-3749 LedM72dim R7s T-Roehre118 1100Lm 10W 2016-05-17 10% 0.7 risky pass
Luohaoshi LHS-04-FB003DE14-W6 LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-09-11 132% 8.1 risky fail
Luohaoshi LHS-04-FB009E14-W6 LedF6dim E14 T-Tropfen 600Lm 6W 2017-09-12 132% 8.1 risky fail
Luokoed SP-GU10-5B LedM24dim GU10 M-R50W120 500Lm 6W 2020-01-03 40% 2.8 risky fail
Luokoed SP-GU10-6WD LedH GU10 T-R50W60 500Lm 5W 2020-01-03 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Luxon Intelamp LedMdim SolarAkku M-Leuchte 100Lm #W 2017-06-10 64% 4.6 risky pass
Luxon YHDE-1001-004 LedF6dim E27 T-Birne 550Lm 6W 2017-05-29 132% 8.1 risky fail
Luxram LX-015027040 IncStddim E27 T-Birne 120Lm 40W 2020-02-05 11% 0.8 risky pass
Luxvenum LV7MCCT-F LedMdim 230V M-R50W60 410Lm 7W 2020-02-26 33% 2.3 risky fail
LuxVista LUX0716-NW LedF6 E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-08-19 56% 4.1 risky fail
LuxVista LUX0752-WW LedM33 GX53 T-R75W180 600Lm 6W 2017-08-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
LuxVista LUX0756-WW LedF4 G9 T-MiniBirne 400Lm 4W 2017-08-18 69% 5.0 risky fail
Maglasty DEN-4462 LedM14 G9 T-MiniBirne 300Lm 3W 2021-05-11 65% 4.8 risky fail
marulaLED Spica-1W-LED-bi-pin LedM5 G4 T-MiniBirne 50Lm 1W 2016-09-24 28% 1.9 risky fail
Mawa wi4-ab-1e-hb LedHdim 230V T-Leuchte 1100Lm 13W 2021-02-07 75% 5.1 risky fail
Mawa wi4-ab-1r7 LedHdim 230V T-Leuchte 1100Lm 13W 2021-01-30 80% 5.4 risky fail
Mawa wi4-str-7 LedHdim 230V T-Leuchte 1100Lm 13W 2021-02-01 70% 3.5 risky fail
Maxuni LDS-F1ST26-2W5-E14-A-2700K LedF4 E14 T-MiniBirne 260Lm 3W 2021-12-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mazda BVP007-50W-4000K LedM70 230 T-Leuchte 4250Lm 50W 2020-10-26 50% 3.6 risky fail
Mctech MC-CL20 LedM24 230V M-Leuchte 1000Lm 12W 2016-10-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
MegaLight 68007 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 8W 2020-09-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Megaman MM21073 LedF2 E27 T-Radio 210Lm 3W 2015-12-01 49% 3.6 risky fail
Megaman MM21075 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2015-12-04 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Megaman MM27282 LedHdim MR16 T-R50W36 450Lm 9W 2016-03-01 >150% 18.0 severe fail
Megaman MM49162 LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 100Lm 2W 2016-04-05 2% 0.1 noel pass
Megaman MM49172 LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 180Lm 2W 2017-06-02 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Megos F122AA06A21 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 5W 2020-09-02 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Megos F122AA06A22 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 5W 2019-09-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Megos F122CB06A21 LedF6 E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 10W 2020-01-22 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Megos F122CB06A22 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 8W 2019-09-07 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Megos F122CB16A217.5W LedF4dim E27 M-Birne 700Lm 8W 2018-12-08 1% 0.1 risky pass
Megos L122AA06A11A LedH E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2020-09-02 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Megos L922XX06A22 LedH1 MR11 R35W36 150Lm 4W 2020-01-22 <1%, FfH 0.1 noel pass
Megos MELED400-15WBD LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 15W 2017-02-15 30% 2.1 risky fail
Megos MELED400-5WMB-E14D LedHdim E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 5W 2017-02-14 57% 3.9 risky fail
Megos MELED400-9WBD LedHdim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 9W 2017-02-14 23% 1.6 risky fail
MeliTec L52-5 LedH E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2016-03-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
MeliTec L94-2 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 14W 2016-01-29 13% 1.0 risky marginal
MeliTec LF03-1 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 5W 2016-01-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
MeliTec LF07 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 3W 2016-01-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
MeliTec LF08 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 500Lm 6W 2016-01-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
MeliTec LF10 LedF6 E27 M-Birne 650Lm 7W 2016-01-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
MeliTec LF11 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 330Lm 4W 2016-03-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mengs 11012029401 LedH24 E27 T-R95W120 3100Lm 25W 2020-05-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mengs 110130058 LedM18 G4 T-ChipR38 350Lm 5W 2016-05-17 51% 3.7 risky fail
Mengs 110130059 LedM9 G4 T-ChipR30 180Lm 3W 2016-05-17 49% 3.5 risky fail
Mengs 110130060 LedM6 G4 T-ChipR22 150Lm 2W 2016-05-17 22% 1.4 risky fail
Mengs 110130085 LedM12dim G4 T-MiniBirne 240Lm 3W 2016-05-18 116% 7.6 risky fail
Mengs 110130086 LedM12dim G4 T-MiniBirne 240Lm 3W 2016-05-17 118% 7.7 risky fail
Mengs G9-3W-dim LedM14dim G9 M-MiniBirne 200Lm 3W 2017-07-17 129% 8.1 risky fail
Mifine RGBW-10W LedHdim E27 M-Birne 900Lm 10W 2017-06-10 47% 3.5 risky pass
Mizlay X001GH69SB LedM16 G9 M-MiniBirne 200Lm 2W 2021-12-15 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
MLlichten G9-2700k LedM64 G9 T-MiniBirne 600Lm 6W 2021-02-22 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Moemax 82270379-01 LedH E14 M-Kerze 222Lm 3W 2015-12-19 25% 1.9 risky fail
Moemax 82270379-02 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 208Lm 3W 2015-12-19 30% 2.2 risky fail
Mospro Clip-Lamp LedM14dim Usb5V M-Leuchte 120Lm 2W 2017-12-31 6% 0.0 recmd pass
Mueller 10480 IncStd E14 T-MiniBirne 110Lm 15W 2016-03-29 12% 0.8 risky marginal
Mueller 18760 LedM G13 M-Roehre1200 1700Lm 18W 2016-11-10 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 23609 LedH MR16 T-R50W36 300Lm 5W 2016-01-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 23610 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 300Lm 5W 2016-01-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 23612 LedF2 E14 T-Roehre 220Lm 3W 2016-01-18 87% 6.2 risky fail
Mueller 23613 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 3W 2016-01-18 87% 6.2 risky fail
Mueller 23614 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 220Lm 3W 2016-01-18 88% 6.2 risky fail
Mueller 23615 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 3W 2016-01-18 88% 6.2 risky fail
Mueller 23616 LedF2 E27 M-Tropfen 220Lm 3W 2016-01-18 86% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 23617 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 220Lm 3W 2016-01-18 86% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 23618 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 220Lm 3W 2016-01-18 87% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 23620 LedF4 E27 T-Globe 430Lm 4W 2016-01-18 4% 0.2 recmd pass
Mueller 23621 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 430Lm 4W 2016-01-18 1% 0.1 noel pass
Mueller 23622 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 430Lm 4W 2016-01-18 4% 0.3 recmd pass
Mueller 24508 LedM15 E14 T-R50W110 200Lm 3W 2016-11-12 28% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 24550 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 245Lm 3W 2017-08-15 36% 2.7 risky fail
Mueller 24601 LedM4 G4 T-MiniBirne 80Lm 2W 2016-03-29 22% 1.5 risky fail
Mueller 24614 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 420Lm 4W 2015-09-17 1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 24615 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 210Lm 2W 2015-09-17 86% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 24616 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 210Lm 2W 2015-09-17 86% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 24617 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-09-12 89% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 24618 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-12-04 84% 6.0 risky fail
Mueller 24625 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 420Lm 4W 2015-09-17 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 24626 LedF2 E14 M-Tropfen 210Lm 2W 2015-09-17 86% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 24627 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 210Lm 2W 2015-09-17 85% 6.1 risky fail
Mueller 32211 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2015-09-11 29% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 32213 LedH E14 T-Kerze 320Lm 5W 2015-09-11 29% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 32215 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 6W 2015-09-11 26% 1.8 risky fail
Mueller 32235 LedHdim E27 M-R63 530Lm 8W 2015-09-11 7% 0.5 risky pass
Mueller 32463 LedH E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2015-09-10 29% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 32464 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2015-09-10 30% 2.2 risky fail
Mueller 32465 LedH E27 M-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2015-09-10 27% 1.9 risky fail
Mueller 32466 LedH E14 T-Kerze 320Lm 5W 2015-09-10 47% 3.4 risky fail
Mueller 32468 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 6W 2015-09-10 24% 1.7 risky fail
Mueller 32469 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 11W 2015-09-10 1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 32470 LedH E27 T-Birne 470Lm 7W 2016-03-31 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 32498 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 470Lm 7W 2015-09-10 21% 1.4 risky fail
Mueller 32499 LedHdim E27 T-Birne 470Lm 7W 2015-09-10 27% 1.9 risky fail
Mueller 32500 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 11W 2015-09-10 33% 2.3 risky fail
Mueller 32501 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 13W 2015-09-10 31% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 32502 LedHdim E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2015-09-10 5% 0.5 recmd pass
Mueller 32503 LedHdim E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 6W 2015-09-10 4% 0.4 recmd pass
Mueller 32504 LedHdim E27 M-Tropfen 470Lm 6W 2015-09-10 6% 0.6 recmd pass
Mueller 32552 LedH E14 M-R50 420Lm 6W 2015-09-10 18% 1.3 risky fail
Mueller 32563 LedH4 MR16 T-R50W38 450Lm 8W 2015-09-10 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 32582 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W40 230Lm 4W 2015-09-10 28% 1.8 risky fail
Mueller 32583 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W40 320Lm 5W 2015-09-10 22% 1.4 risky fail
Mueller 32584 LedHdim E14 M-R50 420Lm 6W 2015-09-10 41% 2.8 risky fail
Mueller 32585 LedHdim E27 M-R63 530Lm 8W 2015-09-10 8% 0.6 risky pass
Mueller 32625 LedH E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2016-07-18 33% 2.4 risky fail
Mueller 32626 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2016-07-18 30% 2.2 risky fail
Mueller 32662 LedHdim E27 T-Birne 470Lm 7W 2016-05-09 33% 2.3 risky fail
Mueller 32663 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 11W 2016-05-09 32% 2.3 risky fail
Mueller 32664 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 13W 2016-05-09 33% 2.3 risky fail
Mueller 32665 LedHdim E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2016-05-09 6% 0.6 recmd pass
Mueller 32668 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1300Lm 15W 2016-05-09 25% 1.8 risky fail
Mueller 32771 LedH3dim GU10 T-R50W40 210Lm 4W 2016-05-09 29% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 32772 LedH4dim GU10 T-R50W40 290Lm 5W 2016-05-09 24% 1.7 risky fail
Mueller 32773 LedHdim E14 M-R50 420Lm 6W 2016-05-09 35% 2.4 risky fail
Mueller 32775 LedH6dim GU10 T-R50W40 400Lm 7W 2016-05-09 3% 0.3 noel pass
Mueller 32801 LedM8 E14 T-MiniBirne 140Lm 3W 2016-05-09 51% 3.7 risky fail
Mueller 32803 LedM2 G4 T-MiniBirne 65Lm 2W 2016-05-09 37% 2.6 risky fail
Mueller 32804 LedM12 E14 M-Kolben 200Lm 3W 2016-05-09 30% 2.2 risky fail
Mueller 32805 LedM10 GX53 M-R75W120 320Lm 6W 2016-05-09 27% 2.0 risky fail
Mueller 32806 LedH G9 T-MiniKolben 200Lm 3W 2016-05-09 28% 2.0 risky fail
Mueller 32909 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 220Lm 2W 2016-07-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 32910 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 220Lm 3W 2016-07-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 32911 LedF2 E14 M-Tropfen 220Lm 3W 2016-07-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 32912 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 3W 2016-07-18 4% 0.1 noel pass
Mueller 32913 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 220Lm 3W 2016-07-18 6% 0.2 noel pass
Mueller 32914 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 430Lm 4W 2016-07-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 32917 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 430Lm 5W 2016-07-18 4% 0.2 noel pass
Mueller 32919 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 430Lm 5W 2016-07-18 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Mueller 400000 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 470Lm 4W 2015-12-04 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 400019 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 2W 2016-04-06 10% 0.6 risky marginal
Mueller 400025 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 2W 2016-04-06 10% 0.6 risky marginal
Mueller 400030 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 250Lm 2W 2016-04-06 10% 0.6 risky marginal
Mueller 400031 LedF2 E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 2W 2016-04-06 10% 0.6 risky pass
Mueller 400037 LedM E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 3W 2018-05-14 28% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 400057 LedM10 GU10 M-R50W120 230Lm 3W 2020-02-03 31% 2.3 risky fail
Mueller 400217 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 245Lm 3W 2019-08-06 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 400231 LedM10 GU10 M-R50W120 345Lm 5W 2020-02-03 29% 2.1 risky fail
Mueller 400252 LedH E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 13W 2017-07-12 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 400347 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 2450Lm 21W 2020-05-22 22% 1.5 risky fail
Mueller 400364 LedF6dim E27 T-Birne 1055Lm 8W 2020-06-20 12% 0.9 risky pass
Mueller 400378 LedM27 E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 12W 2019-03-26 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 400396 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 5W 2020-09-29 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 42862 LedM G9 M-MiniKolben 130Lm 2W 2017-02-14 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 42936 LedH3 MR16 T-R35W36 190Lm 3W 2017-02-14 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43084 LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 430Lm 4W 2016-12-05 25% 1.8 risky fail
Mueller 43096 LedF4dim E14 T-Birne 720Lm 7W 2016-12-05 29% 2.0 risky fail
Mueller 43105 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 150Lm 3W 2016-12-05 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43179 LedHdim E14 M-R50 470Lm 6W 2017-02-13 18% 1.3 risky fail
Mueller 43182 LedH9dim GU10 T-R50W36 400Lm 6W 2017-02-13 33% 2.3 risky fail
Mueller 43189 LedH G9 T-MiniKolben 200Lm 3W 2017-02-14 26% 1.9 risky fail
Mueller 43191 LedM10 GX53 M-R75W120 320Lm 6W 2017-02-14 25% 1.9 risky fail
Mueller 43195 LedM60 R7s T-Roehre118 680Lm 8W 2017-02-14 2% 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43208 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2017-02-14 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43213 LedF4 E27 T-Tropfen 430Lm 5W 2017-02-14 7% 0.5 risky pass
Mueller 43214 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 430Lm 5W 2017-02-14 8% 0.5 risky pass
Mueller 43236 LedH E27 M-R63 806Lm 9W 2018-02-08 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43239 LedH MR11 T-R35W36 180Lm 3W 2018-02-08 <1%, FfH 0.1 noel pass
Mueller 43549 LedM12 G4 T-MiniBirne 60Lm 2W 2018-02-08 25% 1.7 risky fail
Mueller 43550 LedM14 G9 M-MiniBirne 120Lm 2W 2018-02-08 70% 5.1 risky fail
Mueller 43578 LedHdim E27 M-R63 700Lm 9W 2018-02-08 11% 0.8 risky marginal
Mueller 43580 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W36 370Lm 6W 2018-02-08 44% 3.1 risky fail
Mueller 43587 LedM16 G9 T-MiniBirne 280Lm 4W 2018-02-08 2% 0.1 noel pass
Mueller 43588 LedM8 E14 T-MiniBirne 140Lm 2W 2018-02-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43590 LedM E14 T-MiniRoehre 180Lm 3W 2018-02-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43598 LedM78 R7s T-Roehre118 1200Lm 10W 2018-02-08 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43607 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 200Lm 3W 2018-02-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Mueller 43623 LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 390Lm 4W 2018-02-08 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Mueller 44164 LedM G13 M-Roehre1200 1800Lm 18W 2020-01-22 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Mueller XXXX ESL E27 M-Birne 400Lm 11W 2015-09-12 4% 0.3 recmd pass
Mumeng B-F401WJ LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 427Lm 4W 2016-05-18 92% 6.4 risky fail
Mumeng B-F401WL LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 427Lm 4W 2016-07-27 92% 6.5 risky fail
Mumeng XXXX LedH G4 T-MiniBirne 210Lm 3W 2016-05-17 23% 1.5 risky fail
Musunia XXX LedM20 G4 T-Minibirne 300Lm 3W 2021-10-25 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Myplus BCS102EU01 LedRgbw9x4dim 12V M-Leuchte xLm 5W 2020-02-26 71% 5.1 risky fail
Mzyoyo CP-C35-4-0 LedF4dim E14 M-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2021-06-25 2% 0.3 risky pass
Nakhal Hnj07 LedM15 230V T-Dwn82W120 500Lm 5W 2020-09-04 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Narva 4014501061701 LedH MR11 T-R35W30 180Lm 4W 2015-11-06 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
NatElectr 43235 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 300lm 3W 2016-03-08 9% 0.6 risky pass
NatElectr 43258 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 530lm 5W 2015-12-12 74% 5.3 risky fail
NatElectr 43337 LedM16 G9 T-MiniBirne 250Lm 3W 2017-07-17 87% 6.1 risky fail
Natur-nah nn3510 LedH6 MR16 T-R50W30 400Lm 6W 2018-06-16 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Natur-nah nn3511 LedH8 E27 M-Birne 560Lm 8W 2018-06-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Natur-nah nn3512 LedM24dim E27 M-Birne 1000Lm 14W 2018-06-07 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Natur-nah nn3513 LedM6 E14 M-Kerze 350Lm 5W 2018-06-14 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Natur-nah nn3515 LedH4dim GU10 T-R50W30 310Lm 5W 2018-06-14 7% 0.3 recmd pass
Natur-nah nn3516 LedM120 230V M-Leuchte 1800Lm 20W 2018-06-16 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Natur-nah nn3516D LedM120dim 230V M-Leuchte 1800Lm 20W 2018-06-18 2% 0.1 noel pass
NCC FC142CL LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 220Lm 2W 2016-02-10 2% 0.0 noel pass
NCC FC142FR LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 200Lm 2W 2016-02-10 2% 0.1 noel pass
NCC FT142CL LedF2 E14 T-Roehre 210Lm 2W 2016-02-10 87% 6.2 risky fail
Nedis LEDBDFE27A601 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 806Lm 9W 2018-11-24 11% 0.7 risky pass
Nekano SW-LSL-3x3-300 LedM300dim 230V T-Lichterkette #Lm 4W 2021-11-11 78% 5.4 risky pass
Neolux CLA-10W-827-NB32767 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 9W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Neolux CLA-6W-827-NB32764 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 6W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Neolux CLB-4W-827-NB32774 LedH E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Neolux CLB-5.3W-827-AB32780 LedH E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Neolux CLP-4W-827-NB32791 LedH E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 4W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Neolux MR16-20-4W-NA74220 LedH3 MR16 T-R50W35 210Lm 4W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Neolux PAR16-35-4W-NA74222 LedH3 GU10 T-R50W35 230Lm 4W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Neolux PAR16-50-5W-NA74226 LedH5 GU10 T-R50W35 350Lm 5W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Neverland D094-C16W LedF6dim E14 T-Kerze 600Lm 6W 2017-03-03 112% 7.0 risky fail
Nicelux XXXX LedCob R7s T-Roehre118 1300Lm 13W 2019-09-01 75% 5.4 risky fail
Nicelux XXXX LedCob R7s T-Roehre78 400Lm 5W 2019-09-01 76% 5.5 risky fail
Nipach BA11625 LedM Pipe T-Schlauch #Lm 15W 2018-05-17 58% 4.2 risky fail
Noobibaba BA15D-4W-WW LedM32 B15 T-MiniMais 350Lm 4W 2021-04-29 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Notenlampen-Hinze OPL-60-2 LedM60dim 24V T-Leuchte 800Lm 8W 2021-04-16 8% 0.5 risky pass
Novostella NVS01CW12EU LedCwWwdim 24V T-Stripe 2270Lm 25W 2022-10-05 65% 4.4 risky pass
OakLeaf 101047UK LedF4dim E27 T-Radio 330Lm 4W 2017-07-12 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Occhio io-giro-volt-5D208C02WW LedHdim 230V T-Leuchte 490Lm 13W 2021-03-22 22% 1.3 risky fail
Occhio piu-alto-v-1A18C742W LedHdim 230V T-Leuchte 500-1000Lm 13-26W 2021-03-22 20% 1.4 risky fail
Oexde GC-QB0301 LedM E14 T-Kerze 330Lm 3W 2015-12-04 10% 0.7 risky marginal
Ogeled XXX LedHdim GU10 T-R50W25 360Lm 4W 2020-01-07 11% 0.8 risky pass
Oktaplex 17034-3K LedM8dim 230V T-Dwn85W100 350Lm 5W 2020-07-10 2% 0.1 noel pass
Olafus LA-92FDRGB-EU02-WE LedM40Rgbdim 230V T-Leuchte #Lm 60W 2020-11-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Olevolt OLV008-E27-12W-NW LedM96 E27 T-Mais 1400Lm 12W 2022-11-03 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
OLEVOLT OLV073-WW LedM192dim R7s T-Roehre118 1980Lm 17W 2023-07-31 1% 0.1 noel pass
Ollny HG-29V401C LedM400dim 230V T-Lichterkette #Lm 6W 2021-11-11 10% 0.0 recmd pass
Omled One-s5l LedMdim 230V Leuchte 700Lm 30W 2017-09-27 24% 2.0 risky pass
Onumii A60E276W-XX-XX-X LedF4dim E27 M-Birne 430Lm 5W 2022-12-15 2% 0.2 recmd pass
Opple 140051146 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 6W 2015-12-04 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Opple 140051147 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 250Lm 2W 2015-12-04 93% 6.5 risky fail
Opple 500010001900 LedF4dim E27 M-Birne 470Lm 5W 2019-07-02 3% 0.2 risky pass
Optonica SP1853 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 600Lm 6W 2018-11-24 132% 8.1 risky fail
Orinsong C35-27K-DE LedF4dim E14 T-Kerze 450Lm 4W 2017-07-12 129% 8.0 risky fail
Osram 149229 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2015-10-23 1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4008321363794 CFL E27 M-Birne 600Lm 11W 2018-01-23 5% 0.3 risky pass
Osram 4050300003108 IncStd E14 T-MiniBirne 85Lm 15W 2020-10-09 9% 0.7 risky pass
Osram 4050300008486 IncStd E14 M-Tropfen 400Lm 40W 2020-10-09 8% 0.6 risky pass
Osram 4052899959200 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 2452Lm 21W 2020-05-22 40% 2.8 risky fail
Osram 4052899961869 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 806Lm 7W 2018-11-24 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Osram 4052899972018 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 7W 2020-08-28 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Osram 4058075037526 LedF6dim E27 T-Birne 806Lm 7W 2018-11-24 2% 0.1 noel pass
Osram 4058075100954 LedF4dim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 8W 2020-10-26 35% 2.6 risky fail
Osram 4058075105379 LedH7dim GU10 T-R50W36 350Lm 5W 2020-02-01 16% 1.1 risky fail
Osram 4058075105393 LedM7dim GU10 T-R50W36 350Lm 5W 2019-03-11 12% 0.8 risky marginal
Osram 4058075114166 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 806Lm 7W 2020-06-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075114616 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 700Lm 7W 2020-02-05 1%, FfT 0.1 noel pass
Osram 4058075137882 LedM G5 M-Roehre1500 5600Lm 37W 2019-10-14 38% 2.8 risky fail
Osram 4058075233263 LedM5 GU10 T-R50W36 230Lm 3W 2021-07-08 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075245860 LedF4dim E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 12W 2021-11-15 16% 1.1 risky fail
Osram 4058075260887 LedM 2G11 M-Roehre535 3000Lm 24W 2019-12-28 39% 2.9 risky fail
Osram 4058075264380 LedH E14 T-R50W36 350Lm 5W 2019-11-28 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075289031 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 1521Lm 12W 2021-12-02 15% 1.1 risky fail
Osram 4058075289031 LedF8dim E27 T-Birne 1521Lm 12W 2020-02-16 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075360242 LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 2W 2020-01-08 81% 5.9 risky fail
Osram 4058075430976 LedH E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2021-08-25 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075431294 LedM6 MR16 T-R50W36 350Lm 4W 2020-09-18 6% 0.5 risky pass
Osram 4058075431799 LedM6dim MR16 T-R50W36 230Lm 4W 2021-01-21 1% 0.5 risky pass
Osram 4058075432512 LedM64dim R7s T-Roehre78 1055Lm 9W 2020-10-14 15% 1.1 risky fail
Osram 4058075432635 LedM72 R7s T-Roehre78 1521Lm 12W 2022-02-15 6% 0.4 risky pass
Osram 4058075432697 LedM176 R7s T-Roehre118 2452Lm 18W 2022-02-14 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075433083 LedH3dim MR11 T-R35W36 184Lm 4W 2021-01-21 2% 0.3 risky pass
Osram 4058075433328 LedHdim E27 M-R80W36 345Lm 6W 2020-09-18 2% 0.1 recmd pass
Osram 4058075433540 LedM10dim GU10 T-R50W36 550Lm 9W 2022-03-20 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Osram 4058075433700 LedM10dim GU10 M-R50W120 575Lm 9W 2022-03-20 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Osram 4058075437081 LedF4 E14 M-Tropfen 470Lm 4W 2021-08-25 1% 0.1 noel pass
Osram 4058075437128 LedF4 E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 4W 2020-10-05 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075453647 LedM5 GU10 T-R50W36 575Lm 7W 2022-03-20 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075458086 LedM5dim GU10 T-R50W36 230Lm 4W 2020-11-10 4% 0.3 recmd pass
Osram 4058075808324 LedF4dim E27 T-Birne 1055Lm 9W 2021-11-14 51% 3.7 risky fail
Osram 4058075815612 LedM10 GU10 T-R50W36 575Lm 7W 2022-03-20 5% 0.3 recmd pass
Osram 4058075817210 LedF6 E27 M-Birne 1521Lm 11W 2020-02-01 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram 4058075817234 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 806Lm 7W 2020-10-16 4% 0.2 recmd pass
Osram 4058075819610 LedH E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 5W 2020-09-28 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram 64831ST IncHalodim GU10 T-R50W35 100Lm 20W 2020-01-29 16% 1.2 risky fail
Osram 64845FL IncHalodim E27 T-R95W30 670Lm 75W 2020-02-03 6% 0.4 risky pass
Osram CLA60ADV LedHdim E27 M-Birne 806Lm 10W 2015-12-19 16% 1.1 risky fail
Osram LedBaseCLA60 LedF4 E27 M-Birne 806Lm 7W 2018-01-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram LedBaseCLA60 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 806Lm 7W 2018-01-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram LedBaseCLA60 LedH E27 M-Birne 806Lm 9W 2016-06-03 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram LEDinestra-9W-827-ADV-FR-S14s LedMdim S14s M-Roehre500 450Lm 9W 2018-05-16 111% 7.2 risky fail
Osram LPPAR16D5036 LedHdim GU10 T-R50W36 350Lm 5W 2017-09-08 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram PCLB25ADV-4W-82 LedHdim E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 5W 2016-04-15 4% 0.4 recmd pass
Osram PMR112030-3.7W LedH MR11 T-R35W30 200Lm 4W 2016-08-19 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram PRCLA40-4W827 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 4W 2015-12-04 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram PRCLB25-2W827 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 230Lm 2W 2015-12-04 63% 4.4 risky fail
Osram QTP8-2x36 FLT G13 M-Roehre1200 6400Lm 64W 2016-06-16 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram RF-GLOBE-54-7W-824-E27-FIL LedF4dim E27 T-Globe 710Lm 7W 2017-08-07 3% 0.2 recmd pass
Osram RFCLA40-4W827 LedF4 E27 T-Birne 470Lm 4W 2016-04-06 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram RFCLA75-8W827 LedF6 E27 T-Birne 1055Lm 8W 2016-10-18 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram RFCLASBA40-4W827E14 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 470Lm 4W 2018-04-28 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram RFCLB25-2W827 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 230Lm 2W 2015-09-18 60% 4.1 risky fail
Osram RFCLB25-3W827 LedF2 E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 3W 2016-10-18 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram RFCLB37-4W827 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 430Lm 4W 2015-09-18 73% 5.2 risky fail
Osram RFCLBW25-2W827 LedF2 E14 T-Kerze 230Lm 2W 2016-04-06 65% 4.6 risky fail
Osram RFCLP25-2W827 LedF2 E14 T-Tropfen 230Lm 2W 2016-04-06 58% 4.1 risky fail
Osram RFCLP25-2W827-AB34171 LedF2 E27 T-Tropfen 250Lm 2W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram RFCLP25-3W827 LedF E14 M-Tropfen 250Lm 4W 2016-04-06 41% 2.9 risky fail
Osram RFCLP37-4W827 LedF4 E14 T-Tropfen 430Lm 4W 2016-04-06 75% 5.3 risky fail
Osram SCLA40-5W-8272 LedH E27 M-Birne 470Lm 5W 2016-04-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram SCLB25-4W-827 LedH E14 M-Kerze 250Lm 4W 2016-04-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram SCLB40-5.5W-827-AB32780 LedH E14 M-Kerze 470Lm 6W 2016-04-11 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram SLEDPIN20-2.5W LedM3 G9 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 3W 2016-06-27 32% 2.3 risky fail
Osram SMR163536-5.6W LedH4 MR16 T-R50W36 350Lm 6W 2016-04-23 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Osram SPAR165036-5W8 LedH GU10 T-R50W36 350Lm 5W 2016-02-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram SST-PIN32-3.5-W827-G9 LedM32dim G9 T-MiniBirne 350Lm 4W 2017-10-28 37% 2.5 risky fail
Osram SSTCLA75D10W-82 LedHdim E27 M-Birne 1055Lm 10W 2016-04-15 2% 0.1 noel pass
Osram SSTLINE125-15W827-R7s LedM96dim R7s T-Roehre118 2000Lm 15W 2017-09-11 59% 4.1 risky fail
Osram SSTLINE75-8W827-R7s LedM64dim R7s T-Roehre78 1055Lm 8W 2017-09-11 74% 5.2 risky fail
Osram SSTMR1620AD-3.7-AA65307 LedH3dim MR16 T-R50W36 210Lm 4W 2016-04-11 18% 2.0 risky pass
Osram SSTMR1635AD-5.9-AA65316 LedH4dim MR16 T-R50W36 350Lm 7W 2016-04-11 18% 2.0 risky pass
Osram ST-PIN30-2.6W-827-G9 LedM32 G9 T-MiniBirne 320Lm 3W 2018-02-28 10% 0.6 risky pass
Osram ST26-1.6W-827-2-AB30524 LedH E14 M-MiniBirne 140Lm 2W 2016-04-11 30% 2.2 risky fail
Osram ST8A-1.5m-27W-865-EM LedM G13 M-Roehre1500 3400Lm 27W 2016-05-13 29% 2.2 risky fail
Osram ST8P-1.2m-18W-840-EM LedM G13 M-Roehre1200 1500Lm 18W 2016-10-18 31% 2.3 risky fail
Osram ST8SP-EM-16W-840 LedM G13 M-Roehre1200 1700Lm 16W 2018-12-06 27% 2.0 risky fail
Osram STMR162036-2.9W LedH MR16 T-R50W36 230Lm 3W 2018-02-28 14% 1.0 risky marginal
Osram STMR163536-4.6W LedH MR16 T-R50W36 350Lm 5W 2018-02-28 12% 0.9 risky marginal
Osram STPAR1650365W-8 LedH5 GU10 T-R50W36 350Lm 6W 2016-04-23 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Osram-Philips 4058075137882-9137006526 LedM G5 M-Roehre1500 5600Lm 37W 2019-10-14 3% 0.1 noel pass
Ossuip OSL-E14-3W LedM45 E14 T-MiniMais 380Lm 3W 2017-12-31 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ossuip OSL-G9-3W-WW LedM45 G9 T-MiniMais 380Lm 3W 2017-12-31 <1%, FfT 0.0 noel pass
Ostrox 69093 LedF4 E14 T-Kerze 400Lm 4W 2017-05-18 65% 4.7 risky fail
Ougeer G9-6000k-2W LedH G9 T-MiniBirne 200Lm 2W 2019-07-26 70% 5.1 risky fail
Ouside CHX-FL-A-20W LedM20UV 230V T-Leuchte XLm 20W 2021-04-21 <1%, FfH 0.0 noel pass
Ovibell 730131 LedM400dim 230V T-Lichterkette #Lm 6W 2017-12-31 12% 1.8 recmd pass
Owim 102346-14-01 LedHdim E27 M-Tropfen 270Lm 4W 2016-04-23 14% 0.9 risky marginal
Owim 102346-14-03 LedHdim E14 M-Kerze